Sunday, August 1, 2010

Can Hiv Cause Gastric Problems?

The eggplant parmigiana we would have to make a treaty: first, for its origins, struggles between Emilia Romagna, Campania and Sicily, second for the meaning of his name. Contrary to popular thought, the name Parmesan, does not mean "the use of eggplant Parma" or "Eggplant Parmesan" but derives from "Parmiciana", ie all the wood pieces together, overlapping, forming the Persian and remember that the refurbishment of the eggplant parmigiana. For all we know today, the home of eggplant parmigiana is Sicily, where you can trovare le tipiche melanzane da parmigiana, ovvero le petrociane, termine dal quale deriverebbe (secondo i siciliani) il nome della pietanza.

  • 1,5 kg di melanzane
  • una mozzarella grossa ( o fior di latte)
  • 1,4 l di passata di pomodoro
  • 1 spicchio d'aglio
  • olio extravergine d'oliva
  • sale e pepe q.b.
  • fogli di basilico q. b.
Come prima cosa preparate il sugo di pomodoro. Mettete oil in a saucepan with the peeled garlic clove, let it brown and add the past, keep the flame high and mid 'cooking down, at the end of cooking, add salt and basil leaves. Take
wash the eggplant, Check this box, and cut into slices for the length, place them on real layers in a pan and cover each layer of salt Let rest at least an hour, so expel a good part of the liquid bitterness that characterizes them. Or put them in a pan and let them dry in the sun for about forty minutes. After the required time, rinse under running water and dry well. Sift the flour, add sale e pepe mischiando. Preparate una padella con dell'olio, infarinate le melanzane e friggetele finche' saranno dorate su entrambi i lati. Affettate la mozzarella. Prendete una pirofila, mettete un po' di sugo sul fondo e disponete le melanzane l'una di fianco all'altra senza sovrapporsi. Versate la salsa sulle melanzane, il basilico, il parmiggiano e le fette di mozzarella (poche e ben distanziate). Continuate fino a terminare le melanzane. Ricoprite con un ultimo strato di salsa e abbondante parmiggiano.
Mettete in forno caldo a 200° per 40 minuti circa.
La parmiggiana รจ ottima sia calda che fredda.

■ Consiglio

Un suggerimento for the choice of eggplant: the ideal is that large, oval, purple glossy to the touch it should not be too hard and not too soft but should have the right consistency. To make your

parmigiana more 'light you can use instead of the grilled eggplant' fries.