aubergine pasta salad with tomatoes, olives, provolone and arugula
Ingredients for 4:
- 500 gr. pasta
- 250 g spicy provolone
- 250 g fresh provolone
- black olives (or green)
- rocket q. b.
- cherry tomatoes or datterini
extra virgin olive oil to taste with salt and pepper to taste -
Preparation: Cook the pasta al dente and put it in a large bowl and season with plenty of oil by turning right in a way that is flavored and does not stick. Cut the cheese and when the dough has cooled unirteli along with olives and cherry tomatoes cut in half season with olive oil, salt and pepper and transfer to the fridge. Shortly before serving, add the arugula.
fusilli with tuna, tomatoes and zucchini - pasta salad with gluten-free biscuits
Ingredients for 4:
- 350 gr. fusilli
- 120 gr. of tuna in brine
- 1 clove garlic 1 / 2 cup dry white wine
- 2 small zucchini
- some cherry tomatoes
- 1 lemon Extra virgin olive oil to taste
- Salt and pepper to taste
Put oil in a frying pan, add chopped garlic and the drained tuna. Fry for a while ', then add the wine bianco e lasciate sfumare, poi spegnete. Preparate l'acqua della pasta, nel frattempo lavate le zucchine e tritatle in un robot da cucina poi irroratele con il succo di limone, aggiungendo sale e pepe a piacimento. Scolate la pasta ed in una ciotola unite alle zucchine il tonno, aggiungete i pomodorini lavati e tagliati in 4 parti, mettete un po' d'olio ed unitevi i fusilli. Questo piatto potete conservarlo in frigo e ma ngiarlo freddo.