Monday, March 31, 2008

What Has Happened To Nick Berry

L'uso di "anche" a confronto con "también"


USI di anche :

1. Come rinforzo del nesso copulativo


2. Per ripetere, rinforzandola, un' affermazione anteriore


Fin qui corrisponde allo spagnolo también , but there is a big difference in its location in the sequence of the sentence.

The Spaniard has a range rental TAMBIEN:

También he comprado a book
He comprado también a book
He comprado a book, también

Italian also does not correspond to As regards the position, with this particle English:

As a general rule, too, falls precedes the grammar AMENDING : Ex

will buy a notebook

can not ever precede a verb form in a personal way:

also eat an apple (NO) also
'll eat an apple (SI)

When the verb is compound, although it can be placed between the auxiliary and the participle ( never before to the aid), or after the block record. But one or other position determining a shade different in content:

I also bought a book (in addition to doing other things I also bought a notebook)
also I bought a book (other than buying other things I also bought a notebook)

With servile behavior is similar to that given with compound verbs:

You can also buy a notebook (edit buy)
can also buy a notebook (edit the item purchased)
can also buy a notebook (NO )

Of course these cases should not be confused with those that also changes another element than the grammatical verb, in which case nothing prevents him to situate the beginning of the sentence: eg

Even you went to the movies yesterday ?

Two different meanings:

eat an apple
Marina Marina also will eat an apple

Finally ALSO may precede Non-personal forms of the verb
an infinitive, a gerund or a participle: eg

Even smoking is bad for your health. Luigi
tired also reading.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Frozen Yogurt Store Floor Plan

Italo Svevo, La coscienza di Zeno

I am attaching the link to the site from which I drew information on Italo Svevo and his novel "The Confessions of Zeno", which hear and read a small part in the classroom.
Read the review and take at least a brief summary of the plot of the book, with information that can be learned from this site.
We'll talk about in class on Tuesday, before hearing the excerpt from Chapter 3 "smoke", which I leave you a little taste:

"Penso che la sigaretta abbia un gusto piú intenso quand'è l'ultima. Anche le altre hanno un loro gusto speciale, ma meno intenso. L'ultima acquista il suo sapore dal sentimento della vittoria su sé stesso e la speranza di un prossimo futuro di forza e di salute. Le altre hanno la loro importanza perché accendendole si protesta la propria libertà e il futuro di forza e di salute permane, ma va un po' piú lontano ."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sample Speech Company Anniversary Event

Prova parziale di italiano avanzato del 25/03/2008

Ecco qui la prova di italiano che abbiamo fatto in classe, con le soluzioni della parte grammaticale evidenziate in rosso.

Esame parziale di Italiano Advanced


complete the pronouns:

1. Can I borrow your sunglasses?
Yes, but you give them to me tomorrow!

2.Chi gave you my e-mail? He's got
gave your colleague.

Complete the sentences with CI / NE / LO / LA / LE / LI grants and the past participle, if necessary.

3.What would you like ice cream? As we have already ordinatio the two chocolate and cream.

4.I gave my grandmother a box of chocolates and two days them has mangiat the all.

5. Where's my lighter? it I do not know anything.

Complete the sentences with the relative pronoun.

6. Who has not paid tuition fees can not do the exams.

7. Yesterday I saw the French writer, the book has become which famous.

Complete with verbs use the past tense or past tense, the imperfect, the past perfect, future tense or the front.

8.Domani morning, right after that (we) have done ( do) breakfast, you (help) to help pulire la casa.

9.Ieri mattina ero appena andata (andare)a fare la doccia, quando il postino bussò/ha bussato (bussare)alla porta.

10.Ogni estate, quando la scuola finiva (finire), andavo (andare) a lavorare nel negozio di mio padre.

Completa le frasi con il verbo all’imperativo.

11. Prego, Sig. Mattei, provi/assaggi questo prosciutto, è squisito!

12. Ricordatevi che dovete telefonare a vostra nonna. Se ve ne dimenticate, si offende.

13.Questa città è diventata pericolosa. Non aprire la door to anyone you do not know!

Complete the sentences with the past tense of the verb in brackets.

14. This time Paul was very unlucky. (Be)

15. The boys had once occasion to meet her. (Have)

16. I knew my husband in school. (Know)

Complete the sentences with a verb and married in time and properly.

17.Temo that the dog has eaten the dough they had prepared.

18.Non are confident that Mario tomorrow morning close examination.

Complete the sentences with one of the following dates expressions:
However, before that, if provided, that, without that.

19. Although in Italy a few months ago, John understands and speaks our language.

20. Despite my dislike is my cousin Michael, I invited to my wedding.

correct errors where necessary: \u200b\u200b

21. Michael would like to see her boyfriend go (go) less at the bar with friends and has a (pass) more time with her.

22. I want you to tell me honestly, where were you last night.

23. My cat came (state) invested by a car.

24. They ate (eaten) too many dishes at the wedding of Silvano.

25. He ate too much at the wedding of Silvano.

26.Con Friends see you (see you / see you) often for a drink before dinner

Complete the sentences with a person using the verbs in brackets:

27. In what has been bought librería (buy) this book?

28. What a pity, Mary was promoted (promote).

Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. Where possible, use both forms (which / that, the / which, i / the which, or who he / she / who):

29.Ci Italians are many products that which are known throughout the world.

30. Sonia said, "marry the one who / who will make me fall in love at first sight."

test production of written texts

Choose one of the following tests carried out (approximately 200 words):

First Track

Your car was damaged in a car accident. Write to the insurance company to request reimbursement of the damage: Describe in detail the incident, list the damage to your machine and ask damages.

Second track

standing as a candidate for the forthcoming elections, and, approaching the campaign wants to win votes. Write a policy agenda will continue to advance knowledge that will be disclosed on the Internet. Will face arguments that it considers appealing to voters.

Directions for the proper conduct of the written text:

1. Content: The text should include all the steps in the track
2. Coherence / cohesion: the text must be coherent and understandable to the first reading, it must contain an opening, a body and a closure and to develop the outline of the text. The strutture devono essere ben collegate e il testo deve risultare scorrevole alla lettura.
3. Registro: adeguato alla tipologia del testo e alla situazione
4. Vocabolario: adeguato al compito da svolgere e il più possibile variato e ricco.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

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Appunti sullo stile giornalistico

Vi lascio in questo post degli appunti, tratti da un articolo della facoltà di scienze della comunicazione di Roma, che possono esservi d'aiuto quando vi verrà richiesto di sviluppare un testo in stile giornalistico.

Il registro standard

È tipico dello stile giornalistico ed è caratterizzato da parole neutre, né familiari e scherzose, né letterarie. I periodi sono semplici, accurati e non contengono errors. It can be used in all situations without mistakes, from the most formal and informal ones.

Some rules to follow to write an article

a) Simple exposure. As Albert Einstein said "things have to be made as simple as possible. ... But not simpler." So too careful not to trivialize the text and prompt the reader to misunderstanding
b) Ability to summarize. Space is precious and the attention of the reader is limited. Once you've written that sentence is important to do an audit, review and ask if they can accorcialra removing frills language, adverbs, adjectives unnecessary, useless descriptions.
c) Objectivity; The separate opinions from facts, is a golden rule of the Anglo-Saxon journalism.
d) Use of direct testimony. Describe an event in an objective and detached the word also means the players, by opening and closing quotes.
e) Scan the article. To facilitate reading the article must be scanned spatially well. The text should be well broken not just by the punctuation, but also often go to the head.

elements of the news exposure

-Lead or lead or opening where you anticipate a summary or a detail of the fact
-Focus che racchiude il significato della notizia, è il contenuto su cui impostare l’intrattenimento
-Struttura il cui si succedono le informazioni che può essere cronologica o logica; e in questo secondo caso procedere per azione e reazione o per causa ed effetto
-Titolo che può essere costruito su due modelli: enunciativo (freddo) che espone il fatto e paradigmatico (caldo) che commenta il fatto. Il titolo vero e proprio di una o più righe indica in modo sintetico l’argomento dell’articolo. L’occhiello o sopratitolo introduce la notizia, riassumendo quanto si è detto nell’articolo. Il sommario fornisce su più righe ulteriori indicazioni riguardo all’avvenimento

La writing an article s'apprende only with exercise. To facilitate your work, we can show you the six basic steps to build a newspaper article that draws the reader to the quality of information provided to the expressive form adopted and used for the communication strategy.

1. Making the choice of the information collected.
a) identify the essential elements, those accessories and the unnecessary.
b) Identify additional elements among those that may apply to you (a funny detail, a hot item, an explanation, etc.).

2. Measure the time of preparation and control emotions or enthusiasm.
a) determine the length of text.
b) know that the text calls short to read more. In addition to 4,500 characters (3 sheets of 25 lines with 60 characters per line), the text becomes unattractive to the reader.
3. Establish a narrative structure.
a) from general to specific ol'inverso.
b) give all the information immediately, or later developed progressively revealed
c) respect the chronology of the facts and arguments, or do a personal fitting.

4. Use the particularities of journalistic style.
a) short sentences
b) words precise and understandable / accessible (to adopt the terms used and relevant to the subject to be treated.
c) formulation of frase scattante, privilegiare la paratassi, come per scrivere annunci pubblicitari.
d) essere molto concreti.
e) fare uso di immagini
f) usare uno stile molto diretto.

5. Sviluppare il tema trattato crendo un percorso disseminato di concetti e parole chiave che costruiscono la trama del testo.
a) un « attacco » che introduce l’argomento o lo riassume e che attira il lettore (cfr. le varie tipologie di introduzione già esaminate).
b) costruire il corpo del testo con paragrafi che scandiscono l’argomento e forniscono dettagli, spiegazioni, paragoni (similitudini e differenze), cause ed effetti, che vengono strutturati in modo strategico da riattivare ogni volta l’attenzione interest of the reader.
c) parafrafo a final summing up or "close the circle 'or broadening the topic.
d) a proper conclusion (see the conclusion of various types have already been considered).

6. Being able to draw attention to your article: title, eyelet, summary
a) give the title two specific functions: to inform and attract the reader.
b) two valuable contributions: the hoop or surtitles and the TOC.
c) a requirement: to say something that is essential and relevant to the article.
d) a quality: brevity and precision.

The Ten Commandments of the second journalist Piero Ottone

1. Always write the truth, the whole truth, only truth.
2. Cite sources. If your source wants to remain anonoma, formal notice.
3. Check what you're told. If you can not see, take the distance.
4. Do not defame our neighbor, and avoid phrases like 'it appears that this man has stolen ... "" This is said to have killed another .... "
5. Do not force the reader to read a column of stuff before you start to understand what has happened.
6. Do not make long quotations in quotation marks the beginning of a "piece" without revealing that it is now their author.
7. Do not put in quotation marks, titles, phrases other than those which were handed down.
8. Avoid hyperbole and metaphors of Peter, as a "storm" (the party is in the storm), "yellow" (yellow Ustica), "quarrel" (and is now a fight between x and y), 'the blue' "burst like a bomb."
9. Before writing the title "London is in a panic," is' to London and see whether it really eight million people have gone out of his head.
10. Never say 'objectivity does not exist. " It is the alibi of those who want to talk about balls.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

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Lezione di martedì 11/03/2008

today to get started, we read a short article in the Corriere della Sera to the outcome of elezioni in Spagna. Inoltre abbiamo discusso un po' dell'attuale situazione politica, delle aspettative per il futuro, delle preferenze politiche personali, le motivazioni delle stesse, etc.
Il link all'articolo è il seguente:

Per quanto riguarda la parte grammaticale, abbiamo finalmente visto l'uso del congiuntivo introdotto da un condizionale, le concordanze dei tempi al congiuntivo, gli usi del congiuntivo dopo gli indefiniti e dopo alcune congiunzioni ed espressioni particolari.

Abbiamo inoltre ascoltato un dialogo tratto dall'espresso 3 Chapter 9, and read a song titled "Moon Avogadro", always drawn from the same chapter, from which we obtained useful vocabulary to describe the physical appearance and character of the people.

See you Thursday ... hoping to raise a bit 'in numbers ;-)

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Esame parziale

part of the advanced level examination will be held on March 25 at 14:30.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Anjeer Benefits How Eat

Lezione prevista per Giovedí 6 Marzo

Complete the following sentences, conjugating the verb in brackets in the manner and time appropriate:

1.Mi would like my students (to come) ................ ..... more often in class.

2.Vorrei that they (study ).................................. a bit 'more. We will then


's use of ............................. introduced by a ..............................

Can you make the rules governing this usage?

people Meditate, meditate ......

We'll talk in class of this rule and in the subjunctive tense agreement, uses of the subjunctive after certain conjunctions and after the indefinite and particular expressions.

Also I prepared a wonderful role-play and fun quiz about "disorderly order or maniacs?"

A Thursday!

Accuracy Of Home Ovulation Tests

Risiedere e lavorare in italia

What should a foreign national from a country outside the EU to enter, reside and work in Italy?
You can visit these sites and find out: