Un link ai video dedicati alla salute
Here is the link to the video of an evening dedicated to medicine and patients' rights, wellbeing and fitness but also depth on environmental issues, the curiosity of the land and everything that helps us feel better.
http://www.unomattina.rai.it/categoryMedia/0, ,1067121-1078-66608-1-6-media, 00.html
I have prepared some questions about one of the videos that I took from this site, which speaks of sciatica:
1. What is the common name of acute low back pain?
2. What compares the lumbar sacral?
3. What can reduce back pain in the lumbar region due to obesity?
4. What is the most important and largest nerve in the body?
5. What is the symptom of the conflict fra nervo sciatico e altre strutture?
6.Oltre ai problemi muscolo-scheletrici, a cosa possono anche essere dovute la lombalgia e la sciatalgia?
Questo รจ il link al video:
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