Monday, April 7, 2008

Tamil Marriage Invitationin Tamil

A proposito di sentire e ascoltare


1 apprendere, attraverso i sensi, alcuni dati dell'esperienza immediata del mondo esterno ; avvertire impressioni suscitate da stimoli interni o esterni e prenderne coscienza : sentire caldo, sete, sonno; sentire un odore, un sapore; sentire un dolore, il solletico; senti se ti piace questo vino; senti com'è ruvida questa stoffa; sentire shivers down my spine, feel the eyes upon the people, the horse feels the whip, the dog feels the hare, it senses the presence feel smell taste, smell, feel, recognize, judge something by tasting, smelling moments to feel the pulse of someone, hold him to check the pulse feel the time, affected by the cold weather is felt, is very strong

2 hear, listen, pay attention: hear a noise, heard something , I heard someone crying, I heard you call, the court decides after hearing the parties; hear the music, a conference, a point he felt people hear someone who speaks, who is coming and so on., hear me a bit ', listen and listen, listen to me, to feel that this ... If you believe what he says ... feel good, not feel good hearing, be deaf, (fig.) to pretend not to understand: we do not hear from that ear! now I hear!, threatening to severely criticize someone does not feel right, does not want to be reasonable, does not want to change your mind as you try to convince him to be heard, to state his case heard by decision making, help you feel the doctor, consult prov. : There are none so deaf as those who do not want to hear

3 inquire, to learn , hear, feel, submit: hear what they want, what do you think, I heard the bad news, you hear these words in his nobility of spirit; I feel that everything will be fine, I felt that this would happen to hear of all colors, listen to every kind of talk , Spec. if weird, brainy, unreasonable and sim.; also take notice of the facts most baffling, bizarre, unusual

4 intimate feelings and emotional reactions ; be aware of your inner state of a particular emotional situation, sentimental: feel sympathy, fear, friendship, compassion for someone, feel remorse, did not feel anything for her, I feel I love it, feels very much your absence, I feel the obligation to them to be able to see, understand something: listen to music, nature, beauty

feel v. refl. 1 feel a physical sensation : feeling tired, feeling good, evil, feel faint
2 be in a certain mood : feeling happy, moved, shocked, to feel anger boil to hear, the strength, courage to do something: I did not give him this news sentodi feel indebted to someone, recognize feel obliged to him in the right, the wrong, be aware or convinced you are right, be wrong to see

refl. rec. (Family) call: let us feel tomorrow!

Synonyms / Antonyms 1 (sounds, smells, etc..) Sin. feel, perceive
2 (entries, speeches) Sin. hear, listen
3 (a news and sim.) Sin. learn, hear, know, become aware
4 (in a psychological sense) Sin. feel, perceive, grasp
5 Sin. foresee, predict, fear
6 (pity, hate, etc.). Sin. try
7 (cold, hot) Sin. suffer, suffer
8 (a doctor, an expert and sim.) Sin. consult, consult, contact
9 (music, art, etc..) Sin. comprehend, understand, understand

v.rifl. 1 (good, bad etc.). Sin.
be 2 (in the wrong, in the right etc.). Sin. believe, be considered.


hear a carefully ; to listen (even solo.) hear a speech, a song hear the speaker, shut up and listen! listen to a conference, lecture, Mass, assist

2 to listen, follow: listen to the advice of someone, hear the voice of conscience fulfill: to listen to a prayer, a supplication

Synonyms / Antonyms 1
Sin . (Secretly) to eavesdrop, pop-holes (not included).
2 (a conference, entry etc..) Sin. follow, participate
3 (a tip, a suggestion) Sin. give ascolto, obbedire

(tratto dal Garzanti on line)


"El verbo italiano ‘ ricordarsi’ se divide en español en dos correspondencias: una con el verbo acordarse + de (No me acuerdo de cómo se va hasta allí; me acordé del paraguas que le había prestado) y otra con recordar , transitivo, que tiene restricciones desde el punto de vista estilístico ( Recordé el paraguas que le había prestado; ¿Recuerdas lo que pasó allí?; Te recuerdo que mañana que Madruga takes.) "

I thought it interesting, if you take a look here it is:


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