Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Waxed Eyebrow Breakouts

almond waffles with strawberry cream, chocolate and mint gnocchi alla Sorrentina

Ingredients for 4 waffles:
  • 100 g
  • sugar 2 egg whites 1 egg yolk
  • 60 grams of toasted almonds
  • 60 grams of flour 00
Ingredients for cream:
  • 100g caster sugar 1 red
  • egg
  • 250 g mascarpone 50 g strawberries
  • 20 grams of chocolate chips
  • mint leaves to taste

almonds to taste Preparation:

For the wafers. Combine clear,
the yolk and sugar and work with the electric mixer,

two then add the flour and continue stirring.

Take a pan and ask yourself the buttered parchment paper (so it is easy to move them once they are cooked) on it created the disks with the mixture.
Bake at 210 degrees for 3 to 4 minutes, will not burn but become light brown. Once ready to immediately put them on the glasses upside down (or more, depending on the size of the disks) and buttered so that the wafers take the form of a cup.

For the cream. Put the sugar with a little 'water on the fire to boil, add to the egg and beat with electric mixer. This first procedimanto will serve 'to pasteurize the egg that will not be' cooked. Take strawberries, wash and shake it with a spoonful of sugar, then setacciatelo get the gist. Add the mascarpone and continue stirring. Divide into 2 parts, add to the chocolate chips, other il succo di fragole.

Prendete le cialde, disponetele sul piatto da portata e riempitele prima con il mascarpone con la cioccolata, mettete dei pezzi di fragole e foglie di menta che avrete gia' lavato. Aggiungete la crema di mascarpone con le fragole e finite di decorare il dolce con fragole, mandorle foglie di menta. Servite subito o conservate in frigo.

Welcoming The Debutant

One of the most popular dishes from Campania in Italy and abroad, are undoubtedly the gnocchi alla Sorrentina . A simple recipe, quick and delicious.

Ingredients for 4:
  • 1 kg of dough for dumplings
  • 700 ml of tomato sauce
  • 200 grams of grated parmesan cheese to taste
  • basil leaves salt to taste


Prepare 1 kg of potato dumplings and also prepared a tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese cut into cubes .
Lowering the gnocchi in boiling salted water, a little ' alla volta, per non abbassare troppo la temperatura dell’acqua e permettere una cottura a puntino; attendete che risalgano in superficie, poi scolateli bene e conditeli con un paio di cucchiai di sugo, aggiungete la mozzarella il parmiggiano e mescolate. Metteteli in 4 pirofiline da forno individuali cospargeteli ancora con un paio di cucchiai sugo, una manciata di cubetti di mozzarella, un po' di parmiggiano e metteteli nel forno, modalita' grill, per qualche minuto.

Il tempo ideale dipenderà dalla potenza del vostro grill: diciamo che potranno essere pronti quando il Parmigiano sarà gratinato e avrà raggiunto un bel color nocciola.
A gratinatura avvenuta, estraete gnocchi alla Sorrentina from oven and serve hot garnishing the dish with 3-4 fresh basil leaves.

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gnocchi di patate

Gnocchi are one of the most popular preparations in the world as they are a very simple and hearty dish that is suitable for any kind of seasoning. Plate of ancient origins, the dumplings can be prepared with different flours: wheat flour, rice, flour, potatoes, bread, potatoes or vegetables. Of course, today as in antiquity, the most widespread and popular varieties are potato gnocchi, although there are tante altre varietà: con il semolino, con farina di mais, ed altri ingredienti in base alla tradizione locale. Possiamo definire gli gnocchi come piccoli pezzi di impasto, solitamente di forma tondeggiante, che vengono bolliti in acqua o brodo e quindi conditi con salse varie. Le origini degli gnocchi sono da ricercarsi nel periodo in cui le patate provenienti dal continente americano vennero importate in Europa. A quel tempo, esistevano già alcune varietà di gnocchi che si potevano trovare soprattutto in Lombardia e venivano impastati con mollica di pane, latte e mandorle tritate, chiamati zanzarelli. Nel Seicento invece, la ricetta originale subì delle variazioni sia nella composizione degli ingredienti, sia nel nome: presero infatti il name of misdeeds and instead of almonds and bread was added to flour, water and eggs. In any case, however, for all varieties of dumplings there were different colors made with the use of special ingredients that determined precisely the color, for example, if mixed with Swiss chard and spinach gnocchi while taking a characteristic green color, with ' add the pumpkin, the color becomes yellow. Since 1880, potato gnocchi began to spread like wildfire, and gradually all the other varieties disappeared.

  • 300 grams of flour
  • 1 kg potatoes 1 egg salt
  • q. b.

Prendete le patate, lavatele e lessatele .

Ancora calde, sbucciatele, schiacciatele e mettetele su un piano di lavoro ben infarinato. Aggiungete un pizzico di sale, la farina e impastate il tutto fino ad ottenere un composto compatto ma allo stesso tempo soffice.

A questo punto aggiungete un uovo e continuate ad impastare fino ad ottenere un impasto senza grumi e compatto.

Quindi, dividete l'impasto in tanti filoni dello spessore di 2 - 3 cm e iniziate a tagliare i vostri gnocchi riponendoli su una superficie infarinata. In ultimo fateli scivolare su una forchetta dando le caratteristiche rigature degli gnocchi.
Lasciate riposare i vostri gnocchi per un quarto d'ora c.a. , dopodichè fateli cuocere in una pentola abbastanza grande con l'acqua salata e scolateli quando saliranno a galla.
Preparate il condimento che più vi piace e condite i vostri gnocchi.


Per la preparazione degli potato gnocchi use of white potatoes floury enough who need a little flour less and stick together.


dumplings can be prepared in different colors, by adding certain ingredients such as a teaspoon of tomato sauce, spinach read well drained or sepia (the latter only if accompanied by a fish sauce).

Monday, May 24, 2010

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...a proposito di baba' e di Napoli

"from the sound of the word, so important for the Neapolitans who are interested also always the musicality of a sentence and a speech better when accompanied by didactic gestures with his hands and blinked his eyes. Already a communication across the board with his physicality, which is typical of the great cities of once visited by foreign nations with which trade and do business, needs useless if it was forced to live in camps or with the sheep or in small villages and towns off the beaten. Baba was then in his sound, just the second two just a little 'double limestone so without ever becoming babbà but baba is not even the French are able to announce one of the secrets of its success because it plays on the enjoyment hearing and the success of memory: how to forget something, a sweet, with that name? The first two letters of the alphabet, so easy to say that the Greeks were often the people do not have a constructed language, bar bar, just barbarians. Sure, you write in Neapolitan father, then in a different way from how to pronounce, but it is perhaps the principal feature of the Neapolitan dialect, a bit 'like English: this is the only regional language as Valet to music, words shorten and lengthen it following the notes, you customize easily have a thousand meanings depending on the context in which they appear. The Neapolitans have innumerable espressioni in cui il carattere è associato ad uno stato fisico più che mentale, alcune anche un po’ volgari come “hai scacato” per dire “hai sbagliato”, “m’arrizzo” per “mi entusiasmo”, “si nu’ strunz’” per “sei cattivo”, eccetera, tutte ricche di sfumature la cui traduzione in italiano, a volte esportata nel linguaggio corrente nazionale proprio come la pasta e la pizza a tavola, non rende spesso esattamente l’idea di ciò che in realtà si vuole rappresentare. Questo vale anche per il cibo, la principale preoccupazione quotidiana con cui Napoli ha dovuto fare i conti dal ‘600, quando era già metropoli, throughout the postwar years, until the '60s, when it was enough calories to survive without physical distress. This is why "we nu 'babbà" said a person shows someone of a sweet, helpful, or particularly good at playing something difficult, or even can be used to thank for a gift or attention. But not just one person, even one thing can be 'nu' baba ', perhaps a particularly beautiful object like a car is always working, a camera, even the sight of something very beautiful. short, you see, baba has a meaning extremely positive for the Neapolitans who like it because it is able to reflect some of their best qualities thanks to which the departed directly from the pre-capitalist post-industrial society without meeting the needs of factory discipline: we speak of the balance of flavors with which it expresses this cake , its practicality and at the same time, extreme patience required for three risings in the classic recipe. Yes, because the Neapolitans are fast but do not despise and never settle gladly those who show signs of impatience and deride those who are too slow to understand the situation rather than doing. And like all business people, always prefer a solution equilibrata quando scoppia un conflitto tra le persone, un compromesso capace di chiudere una partita aperta e pensare alla prossima. Ebbene, conoscete nel vostro universo tattile qualcosa di più equilibrato della consistenza assunta dal babà ben lievitato e cotto? Già, è la praticità di cui ho detto all’inizio? Non come si fa, certo, quanto come si mangia: in piedi, rapidamente, usando il cappello per iniziare dal tronco, uno, due, tre morsi e voilà, nessuno potrà togliercelo. Il babà, infatti, si iscrive a pieno titolo nei dolci di città perché è necessaria sapienza consolidata per prepararlo, dunqu forni pubblici più che casalinghi, una profonda conoscenza dei tempi di lievitazione proportional to temperature and moisture in the air, just like pizza. It is sweet because walking to town: you enter, take and eat continuing the walk, does not need a plate and fork, using your hands and then, in spite of its origins, as we will be here shortly, Gift Shop, is very democratic, because it puts on the same level and who idles workers, rich and poor. is how, dear friends, we went inavveritamente by the sound of its semantic representation. Because, after all, like the baba to Naples because more than any other sweet is the genius loci for the city, so that out also loved. Yet, just like pizza, pasta, coffee, the baba was not born on the slopes of Vesuvius, but in the cold North, in one call Luneville French town on the border with Germany: the story is lovingly rebuilt by Flavia Amabile in a precious little book published by Editions dell'Ippogrifo (Yes nu '... babbà, 2001) enriched by pictures of Gérald Bruneau and the introduction of Antonio Bassolino well as some testimonials from celebrities. The inventor was a king bidetronizzato, Polish Stanislaw Leszczynski, father of Louis XV of France, who had married his daughter Maria. Thanks to these important relations, had as good uscita il Ducato di Lorena dove potè costruire impossibili ricette politiche per il futuro dell’Europa e passare alla storia per l’unica cosa seria fatta nella sua vita, inventare il babà. Ancora oggi esiste un dolce, baba senza accento, ossia slavo e non francese, nella sua Polonia. Si dice che l’ex re abbia bagnato nel Madeira una fetta di kugelopf, il dolce austriaco ermafrodito, cioè mezzo panettone e mezzo brioche, e che da allora lo abbia sempre voluto così. La sua grande passione per la cucina portò a nuove e più ricche elaborazioni con l’impasto lievitato tre volte e sbattuto per ottenere una pasta più leggera, pieno di uvetta e con lo zafferano di cui erano ghiotti i turchi i cui gusti aveva met a prisoner when he was lost for the first time his kingdom useless. The form becomes that of the dome of St. Sophia, the chosen name is Ali Baba, the star of "The Thousand and One Nights." This intersection of cultures and influences often easier to grasp in the province where you get bored, leading to the definition of Fabrizio Mangoni, author of The Physiognomy of Food and leading historian of Neapolitan pastry, to define the baba as "sweet of the Enlightenment." In essence, while the vast majority of the cakes comes indistinct cloud of civilization, "the baba - says Mangoni, who was also a show on the subject - is the son of an idea." In this case we know, in short, who, where, when, perhaps because. Another breakthrough is the decision of the wet, they need to support the softness of the cake would otherwise quickly petrify a few hours. Stanislaus choose the Madeira, in Versailles, where he dictated fashion, using the Jamaican rum, imported from the last of the benefits Olteeoceano. But in capitalist society to become a food product should reify into a commodity, otherwise it is just a curiosity family. And this is what happens with the pastry chef originally from Poland Sthorer Luneville that followed the exile of the king eater, then moved with her daughter Mary at Versailles where married Louis XV in 1725, finally opened his own workshop in rue Montorgueil, is still at number 52, which creates a baba mushroom or chef's hat as they come down to us. Later, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin gives the brothers Julien baba ring-shaped dip the fruit in the center for their laboratory on the boulevard St.Honoré: removed the raisins, add the butter, a brush stroke of apricot jam for save wet longer and that is how you pass from Ali Baba Baba. The cake is a symbol of the direct line to which Naples has always been linked to Paris in the last three centuries. A bond born precisely when Marie Antoinette sposa Luigi XVI mentre Maria Carolina si lega a soli sedici anni nel 1768 per procura a Ferdinando IV di Borbone. Tra le due figlie di Francesco duca di Lorena e imperatore d’ Austria e di Maria Teresa d’ Asburgo matura una rivalità di cui probabilmente la prima non ha avuto modo di accorgersi, ma la seconda l’ha coltivata nel suo esilio solare mandando in continuazione emissari a Parigi per scoprire le ultime tendenze dei sarti e degli chef: nasce così l’epopea del gattò, della besciamella, del gratin, degli sciu e di quei termini francesi e francofoni con cui la cucina napoletana conosce l’influenza d’Oltralpe oltre un secolo prima del suo affermarsi in Italia come nouvelle cousine. Evidentemente lo stile a big business could be revived, albeit not in the same way, only in a big city, Naples was until the beginning of 900. The rest is to say, is history: already in 1836, reminds us Flavia Amabile in his book, the baba looks like a typical Neapolitan pastry in the first Italian cookbook written by Angeletti for Marie Louise of Parma. Status symbol, and tradition, the baba into the homes of all, it marks the pastry of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and then Italy. The latest fashion is the baba limoncello or lemon cream, was born in Capri and on the other side of the Land of the Sirens. An infusion rapidly able to oust il rhum e di aprire così la disputa fra tradizionalisti e innovatori. Chissà se a Stanislao sarebbe piaciuto, noi pensiamo che il suo gusto legato alla esperienza in Turchia avrebbe apprezzato l’agrumato capace di risolvere quel problema affrontato e superato brillantemente da Savarin: dove trovare la necessaria acidità per equilibrare ulteriormente nel babà la sensazione di dolce, a volte zuccherosa quando il rhum non è buono. Ecco allora la freschezza regalata dalla frutta e, nel caso del limoncello, dagli oli essenziali della buccia del limone. Questo è il motivo dello strardinario successo di questa nuova formula e, diciamolo pure, anche del rilancio del dolce in forma commerciale negli splendidi vasetti confezionati in maniera artigianale. L’ultimo aspetto da considerare è l’abbinamento. Cosa bere con un babà? La questione non è semplice, perché la bagna, sia di rhum che di limoncello o altro infuso, contribuisce ad elevare la struttura del vino, di fatto un Moscato d’Asti sarebbe perfetto a dolce asciutto. Nel primo caso penso vadano bene due prodotti poco conosciuti ma molto ben equilibrati, il Sidro del Sannio ottenuto da mele annurche e limoncelle, oppure il Lambiccato, mosto di moscato appena fermentato e filtrato con i coppetelli di lino nei Picentini e nel Cilento. Prodotti troppo di nicchia? Allora provate con il Moscato Spumante del Vulture oppure con quello di Baselice. Ecco, davvero questa combinazione al palato is 'nu' babbà. "

Sunday, May 23, 2010

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baba' al rum con fragole

Mum is 'in Primm parulella

about managed to pronounce.

Ma' to siconna jug is very beautiful;

Papa, Papa? "No, baba.

'O baba born Polish

nuje the avimme improved.

Yes, piaceno 'nu lot

Chisti sweet leavened

soaked inside the rrumme,

made form'e fungetiello.

that I taste, and they prufumme!

Neither baba, what is' good!

Ingredients for the dough:
  • 125 g butter 250 g flour 50 ml milk
  • 30 grams of sugar 4 eggs
  • 20 g yeast
  • salt
Ingredients for the syrup:
  • 1 / 2 lt water 500 gr sugar
  • 1 / 2 cup of rum aroma
Ingredients for brushing the baba ' :
  • 2 tablespoons of jam d '
  • apricots 1 tablespoon water

Melt the yeast in lukewarm milk together with two teaspoons of sugar stirring with a spoon for a moment: then wait a few minutes until you see emerge on the surface of the foam. Place in bowl of a food processor fitted with dough hook (or in a bowl if it worked differently) the flour, add 4 eggs already 'beaten and then the mixture of yeast, making sure that the ingredients are blended slowly. Knead the dough for to make it smooth and without lumps. Meanwhile mix together softened butter the remaining sugar and add it gradually to mixture, increasing the speed of processing. You'll get a fairly soft compound that will pour into a bowl with the previously brushed butter. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let dough rise in a warm place for an hour and a half. Then put the mixture into the mold (or in special panels) already 'unt to and let rise for 20 minutes. At this point, so your baba fired in oven pre heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and let the baba raffreddare.Nel meantime prepare the syrup by boiling for a couple of minutes the water with 500g of sugar and add the amount of rum you prefer. Once ready the syrup, the wet cake (or plunge the baba) that will increase soaking 'in volume. Melt two tablespoons of apricot jam in a saucepan with a tablespoon of water and then brush them on baba, so you will get very bright and inviting. If you want to garnish the
baba 'with fresh fruit and / or cream.


If you prefer that the Baba has a strong taste for rum, after having spennalati the jam you can pour over the other.
wet instead of the rum you can add the limoncello.

If you do not like alcohol and want to try the baba even children can flavor the syrup with the rum flavor, which is not alcohol or with the aroma of lemon.

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ciambella variegata al cacao

  • 250 g butter 250 ml milk + 3 tablespoons
  • 6 eggs 300 g sugar + 20 g
  • 40 g cocoa powder 500 grams of flour
  • 16 gr yeast 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon rum

  • salt

Put the butter into small pieces in a bowl and knead with a mixer until creamy

then add the eggs, 300 grams of sugar, salt, vanilla and rum and continue to work.
Mix marten with the yeast and after having been sifted, embed them a spoon and stirring, the mixture, alternating the addition of 250 ml of milk. The dough must 'be very compact.

Grease and flour a cake mold or Lie down and divided into three parts, half of the dough obtained. United
other half remained cocoa , the remainder of sugar and milk. Mix ingredients well and put down the dark mixture obtained in three parts, alternating light. Pass a fork spiral downwards through the two colors.
Bake the cake for about 50-60 minutes at 180 degrees (check the kitchen, checking with a toothpick, if biting deep into the cake will not be remaining on the toothpick, the cake is cooked). Before serving sprinkle with icing sugar.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

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penne allo zafferano in cartoccio

  • 400 grams of powdered saffron penne
  • 100 ml meat stock
  • 150 grams of diced bacon
  • 200 ml cream 100 g parmesan
  • salt and pepper to taste Preparation

Preheat the oven to maximum temperature by turning on the grill, put on a pan of water for the pasta, when it boils, add salt and boil the feathers to be drain when al dente. In the meantime Brown the bacon in a frying pan until it becomes crispy.

In another large pot pour the cream: Dissolve saffron in half a cup of broth, add the stigma (if you want)

and add everything to the reduce to low heat cream leaving for 5 minutes. Drain the penne al dente, season with saffron sauce, add the bacon, parmesan cheese and pepper. Divide into 4 portions pens and store each piece in a bag made from greaseproof paper or waxed paper, place baking paper on a baking tray from oven, pour the dough in the center and formed by folding the foil toward the center of the 4 edges the paper then curled the ends together and close them on their own. Bake at 250 degrees for 5 minutes, then when the bag becomes light brown (not burn with), extract it from the oven, put on a pot and bring to the table. Serve immediately.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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penne con zucchine, panna e prosciutto

  • 150 grams of pasta
  • 4 zucchini 80 grams of cooked ham
  • 1 package cream
  • Parmesan cheese 1 / 2 glass of white wine nutmeg
  • basil salt

Preparation: Take the zucchini
wash, dry and cut into thin (or slices as you prefer).

Take a large skillet, place the oil and onion, appena imbiondisce aggiungete le zucchine. Fatele cuocere un po' sfumando con del vino bianco.

Poi mettete il prosciutto tagliato ed il sale, quando e' cotto spegnete.

Mettete la pentola con l'acqua per la pasta, mentre cuoce agg iungete a sugo spento la panna e delle foglie di basilico, mescolate aggiungendo un mestolo di acqua della cottura della pasta.

Quando pasta and 'ready drip pan and put in lighting the fire, mix and let it skip a bit' We add the Parmesan and nutmeg.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

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ciambellone alle patate

  • 3
  • potatoes 4 eggs 350 gr flour
  • 1lievito
  • 100 g Valley
  • 200 grams of salami Neapolitan
  • 100 grams of cooked
  • 300 gr cheese mixed
  • salt pepper

Wash the potatoes and boil them, peel them and they are soft setacciatele in a bowl. Still warm knead by hand with the valley ', add the eggs, baking powder, flour, ham, cheese, salt and pepper. Cover the dough well, put it in the heat and let it grow for a while '. Place in hot oven of 180 ° with temperately, and cook for 60 minutes.