Monday, February 28, 2011

Gerber Baby Spoon Engraved

"The Cathedral of the Sea" by Ildefonso Falcones

This book left me puzzled ...
certainly is well written , the shape is very nice, certainly also on the translation of Robert Bovaia.
The topics covered are instead perhaps a bit 'too heavy ... more than once, in reading it, I happened to exclaim: "What cakio. .. but bad luck. "
The protagonists of each novel suffer, just about any abuse of the fourteenth century a man may suffer ...
serfdom, war, famine, humiliation, ius prime noctis, adultere murate vive in stanze di 3x3 prigioniere a pane e acqua fino alla morte,  si quis virginem (l'uomo può sposare la donna su cui aveva usato violenza nel sequestro), esecuzioni di facinorosi, prostituzione, decapitazione di banchiere insolventi, torture, persecuzione di ebrei, processi dell'inquisizione, ...
Insomma 'na vera tragedia!
Il lavoro di ricerca e contestualizzazione storica è lodevole, i riferimenti ad eventi e luoghi facilmente verificabili nella cronaca dell'epoca.
Certamente il modo di pensare della Barcellona del XIV secolo è lontano dagli usi e dai costumi odierni... leggere le vicende di questi personaggi mi ha fatto salire una sorta di malessere, pietà per quelle povere persone... ho riflettuto su come, anche al giorno d'oggi, si possa sopportare tanta sofferenza senza poter recriminare nulla né protestare, pena la vita.
Come altri romanzi spagnoli ( L'ombra del vento di Zafon , per esempio), molto approfondita è l'analisi dei luoghi.
Se avete in agenda un viaggio a Barcellona, leggere questo romanzo vi darà spunti interessanti sui luoghi da visitare.
Ovviamente, particolareggiata è la descrizione della costruzione della "Basilica de Santa Maria del Mar", esempio per eccellenza del gotico catalano.
Sostanzialmente, Cathedral becomes silent observer of effort, luck and misfortune of the protagonist, a character in itself, during its construction, accompany the whole period of narration of the events.
In my previous trip to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI stayed in the area known as Ribera, near the Basilica, close to Metro Jaume I.
visitors were very impressed by the style and simplicity of the building is adorned with only the faith of his devotees, and the works were funded by the Catalans, mainly merchants and laborers, becoming a church of people for the people.
Austerity, clean shapes and lines, make this building that I left the taste of that fervent English Catholicism that does not need bells and whistles, except the wonderful play of light created by the roses, the windows and the oculi open in the walls of the building.
I take this opportunity to point out where I stayed, Apartamentos Allada, low prices and minimum service ... All day long you're around to see the city!
The structure consists of double rooms with kitchenette (fridge, stove, dishwasher) e bagno personale.
Vengono fornite le chiavi del portone d'accesso (che dà su una suggestiva piazzetta pedonale) rendendoti quindi indipendente dalla presenza del personale.
La fermata della metropolitana (la già citata Jaume I) è a 5 minuti a piedi e sulla strada da percorrere si trovano molti locali per aperitivo; nella piazza dove sbuca la metro c'è uno Starbucks e un paio di piccoli supermercati (uno che vende solamente biologico, se ricordo bene).
Se dovessi tornare a Barcellona anche ora che tengo famigghia  penso risceglierei questo alloggio.
Nel complesso un libro piacevole, forse più adatto a maturi lettori impegnati che a giovani frou-frou friends.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Heat Retention Materials

The talk sono il dolce tipico del Carnevale e solitamente vengono accompagnate da una crema a base di cioccolato fondente detta sanguinaccio, perche' veniva preparata con il sangue del maiale. Le chiacchiere sono preparate in tutta la penisola ma in ogni regione hanno un nome diverso ad esempio: bugie in toscana, frappe a roma, galani a venezia e lasagne in romagna.


  • 600 gr di farina 00 circa
  • 100 gr di zucchero
  • 100 gr di burro
  • 4 uova
  • 1 presa di sale
  • 6 cucchiai di limoncello
  • 1 scorza di limone grattugiata
  • zucchero a velo vanigliato q.b.
  • olio Frying


Place the flour in the center with the eggs, sugar, butter, lemon rind and pinch of salt. Knead gradually add wine and lemon. Mix everything until it forms a soft, elastic dough. Divide the panettopiccole portions and spread a thin sheet or with a machine to knead the dough with a thickness of 5. With a toothed wheel cut many strips of desired size. Take a pan with high sides and put plenty of oil waiting to warm up, when will 'throw the hot gossip poche alla volta.Appena saranno dorate, fatele asciugare sulla carta assorbente. Quando saranno pronte m ettetele su un piatto da portata e appena raffreddata cospargetele di zucchero a velo. Servite e godetevele!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Johnson's Baby Shampoo Ingredients


The ziaMa in training (primary education sciences) attended a "pearl" I can not disagree! A child
rather annoyed by the noise of a fellow who played the trumpet insistently addressed the teacher and says
"Master, it is true that no asylum here in the trumpet??"
I would leave a blood clot with laughter.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Make A Highwayman Mask

sympathetic humorist ... two small snakes ... (Pop-up book)

certainly mindful of my idea of \u200b\u200busing the theme "The two unicorns," we start with something simple ... two small snakes!
Draw a circle and inside a spiral.

You can use a cup or a can ... for the most manic (type the MammaSuperAbile) look for a tutorial on the triangular spirals.
Cut the circle and, inside the spiral.

will get a structure of this type, with a little 'imagination, you can pay for various applications ...

In case you use to decorate a pop-up book, I urge both sides.
To make the task easier, also best to complete the bottom of our page at this early stage.
Council is not overloaded with details and decorations on the bottom, as well as to highlight the animation, by contrast, must be well finished.
Give it a try temporarily setting the opening spiral (with a piece of paper tape, for example), sure, if you use more coils or other animations that mechanisms not s'intralcino together .
Put some 'glue or adhesive on the garment (the serpent's head, in my case) and attach the spiral to the page.
Part is now stuck on one side, put a little 'glue on the central leader (the tail of the snake, in my case, well you see the piece of adhesive tape) and close the front.

reopen the page, the spiral opens and go through the sheet from side to side.

When you plan your work, best not to place too close to the spiral center fold because it reduces the opening and the final effect.
In my example, the snakes were decorated with collage technique (paper of different weights of paper and glass) sponge and acrylic paint diluted kept low so as to be rough to the touch enriching the 'experience-book. "

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cervix Closed And High Before Menstruation

Yoga for pregnancy

E' arrivato il premio vinto nel giveaway di genitorichannel "lo Yoga per la gravidanza" di Alessandra Siliquini.

Ieri l'ho visto e mi ha fatto un'ottima impressione.
Le spiegazioni sono chiare ed accompagnate da immagini piacevoli e rilassanti.
La difficoltà delle posizioni è minima, quindi è un prodotto usufruibile anche dagli yogi alle prime armi.

Il dvd è strutturato in parti separate per ogni trimestre e for childbirth and then easy to use. The lesson for each block
never lasts long ... this can be a part of an asset (if one does not have much time to devote to the exercises), but other faults.
If memory serves me correctly, I was pregnant pretty much the same but add a couple of years asana.
  • position of the scale, tulitasana

strengthen the pelvic floor.
  • Gesture of the tiger, sarduli mudra

From the position on all fours, breathing bring in the top position, exhale, bring to the position below.
mobilizes and trains the back basin wing flexion-extension movement of the sacred or nutation and contronutazione used during childbirth.
  • Rest position of the Buddha, asana shayanabuddha

Especially useful for resting, preferring the one with the right flank in support to take the weight of the uterus from the inferior vena cava and the drainage of fluid from the legs.
  • position of the triangle standing asana uttitha trikona

to mobilize the spine and facilitate the elimination of toxins from the liver and spleen.
  • position Aditi, seized asana

Relax your perineum, invigorates the genitourinary system, relaxes tired back.
  • position of the bridge, Setu bandha mudra.
Also to strengthen the perineum.
  • position of the pillar, Uttana stamba asana.

reinforces the ever-famous perineum (and to think that with my perineum steel then I have done the Caesarean section!).
  • breath of the wind, Vayu .

Starting with your back to lift the arms imagine gradually filling addome, torace e gola mano a mano che le braccia salgono.
Espirando riabbassare le braccia portandosi nella posizione iniziale.
Rilassa e ossigena il corpo.

Molto molto utile ho trovato la lettura di "Avere un figlio" di  Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali e Zanchi Fiorenza.
E' un libro a tutto campo che spazia dalla "preparazione" alla gravidanza, dall'alimentazione alla fisiologia, dalla respirazione ai consigli sulla gestione del dolore durante il travaglio.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wedding Favours Lottery Ticket Verse

"Alea IACT east" AKA "Put the gear" Sooner or later

Today we went to the fateful meeting with the priest of the parish where we have decided to baptize the nano-evil (PS I found that it is better to have 6 children with fever to 38 with 37 ... that one cracks moooooolto more because it is lying dead and feels all the pains! not sleep so little even when Bagigetto had a week) and, combining business with pleasure, to get married .
The date is set at Saturday, May 14, 2011 ... 0 preparations.
We plan to invite relatives and close friends, or just about 60 people (we have about 40 close relatives, uncles, cousins, grandparents) and organize a great party based on:
  1. red wine salami
  2. young dairy
Seriously spignatterò ingaggerò family a little bit and capable culinary variables, even small (stendilasfoglia-infilaciqualcosa-mettinelforno-toglidalforno). Santoli
Witnesses and have already been chosen ... unbeknownst to them, for now.
The parcel lies in the fact that there beaks tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutto the premarital course and formazionediunafamigliasanaeserenastilemulinobiancomaconmerendefatteincasa which begins in two weeks and ends two weeks before the date.
The weekly planning de la MammaSuperabile is therefore composed of:
  • Monday: 18:30 to 8 p.m.
  • yoga Tuesday: premarital course 20:30:22:30
  • Wednesday: rest Thursday
  • : yoga
  • Friday 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: dinner with family and friends in rotation (damn HUGE family and social life to maintain)
  • Saturday: dinner with family and friends in rotation (damn HUGE family and social life to maintain)
  • Sunday: Weekly dinner and NonnaMimi ZiaMa
The good prelate, however, anticipated that in mid-March we should be to "see how goes ... "
Husband (ZZO), as usual, makes us take pictures of mud ... I leave to him the reins of the conversation and fill in the form proffered by the pastor, and arrived at the time of writing because we want baptized 'to being "looked at me and asks
" Why do we baptize? "
I think (the brain busy grinding at full speed to find an answer so I am not sure of the facts) that it has reached a light periwinkle hue and he stuttered
"We are Catholics! Baptism is a sacrament essential and we want our son is part of the Christian community ... "
-Sguardo compiaciuto del prete-
Pop-up nel cervello di MammaSuperAbile "ma vieniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... le sò tutteeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Buona notizia arrivata dal lavoro... una collega aspetta un bimbo!
Questo vuol dire che a maggio, quando torno, saranno ulteriormente sotto di una unità e con le assunzioni bloccate riceverò standing ovation per il mio rientro...  standing ovation con la ola quando sapranno che non ho intenzione di prolungare l'astensione da turni notturni e reperibilità sino al compimento del terzo anno di vita del Bagigio e che quindi da metà luglio sarò in pieno regime.
Questo vorrà dire: più soldi for all but also more work for everyone because it thins the number of participants of the game board night-availability of public holidays ... I still remember the terrible summer of 2008 where, overwhelmed by work, traveling about 15 hours of overtime per week without making a weekend of rest for 9 weeks!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Suggest Fest Names For College

in almost seven months we had basically nothing ... had to happen sooner or later that we also we took "the fever".
So far a nice 72-hour non-stop tit (careful not to dehydrate) and clinging to mammasuperabile naps.

forces ready to come back soon to new adventures but for now we are on stand-by!

Seating Chart Samples For A Wedding

PUT AN EVENING IN THE FOREST KODAMA @ Galleria del Corso 36, Cre

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Human Body Temperature Sensor Circuit

Each of us has a circle of friends moms fat or just emptied to refer to, according to age and inclination.
I personally have not attended the pre-natal care because they feel a little helpful ... of medical information did not need pushed while the speech and breathing, I addressed by myself, as I like.
So no friend of course pre-natal care.
Also, I never liked "having to" make friends with people just because we share a detail of our lives ... be pregnant or have recently given birth does not make us necessarily similar or related.
mammesca My support network is, therefore, consists only of pre-girlfriends belly. Luck is on our
because we already have a couple of friends of similar age.

close colleague and friend recently adopted (2 years) the child's mother
Bagigi with the age difference: more than 10 months.
Value: peaceful coexistence with occasional exchange of books Pimpa
currently pregnant with a child with Bagigi
age differences: younger than 10 months (estimate)
Value: 2 strokes on the belly
colleague, classmate and close friend (5 years)
Mother of baby Gabriel.
Bagigi with age difference: more than 9 months.
Value: long walks in the bar of sunshine and gentle on little heads carezzine
close friend recently adopted (one year), but by knowing at least 10 years
mother of the child Sara.
Bagigi with age difference: less than 6 months.
Value: sbavicciamento Game of the not-yet-born babe, suckling at the same time during the hospital visit.

Each of us, modern insecure mothers, needs friends to relate and deal with trust, there are certain all the information prior to conception but ...
a) refuse to accept your status as a mother, and they expect you to behave as in the good old days of thinking
mammasuperabile "Yeah, I mean, my life has changed, no longer the sixteen year old who went to double on a scooter!"
b) sono ossessionate dal tuo stato di mamma e non fanno altro che offrirsi come baby-sitter, spingere il passeggino (sguardo mogio se ti presenti col Bagigio nel mei-tai), voler imboccarlo con le sue prime pappe, protestare animosamente se ti presenti ad un'incontro senza il nanetto, ...
                  pensiero della mammasuperabile: "sono una persona fisica separata da mio figlio e vorrei ti rapportassi anche con me!"
Anche il vostro rapporto con le amiche è cambiato dopo la gravidanza ed il parto?
Alle volte vi viene la tentazione di answer "When you have a child of 2 months (40 years and get well and not my thriving and energetic 26 years ... you said that before you have children you want to enjoy life for a long time) will be taxed to the soul , because you go out with me for a
and do not desist until they fall down on the floor! "
Sometimes you are tempted to say "What the hell, cagami .... now that I think you want to kidnap the infant to adopt it in secret, pretending he had a flash of pregnancy 4 weeks"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Smelly Urine Bilirubin


Scrivo con le occhiaie, per riportare i piaceri immensi di fare la cameriera per raccimolare qualche soldo:
Potrei scrivere almeno tre libri, mettendo insieme tutto ciò che osservo della gente mentre attenzione:
Descrizione Cliente: Tamarro, età media 45 anni, camicia rosa aperta fino a metà petto, catena d'oro, capello medio lungo sparato, unto, spettinato, pizzetto disegnato, ipad sul tavolo per giocare principalmente a solitario mentre pranza con famiglia ed amici(quindi principalmente per chiarire che lui ha l'ipad), accento calabrese-anglosassone.cumenda.
"Miss, but here I see that as WiFi Latorre and can not log in?!? No, because I knew SMANETTO eh ..?"
"Yes, we have WiFi, but we do not have a license to do so they can access even the customers, I'm sorry"
"No well tell the owner who now can do so without a license, eh, I do too in the mioBUISNESSSSSSSS .. "(underlining the business).
"Miss?!? There you have the DOGBOX?"
"but he understood true what I mean?"
"Yes, it means a place where you can leave the dog!"
"I thought I did not mean ahah ah"
have "graduated, I studied English !!!!"
"well lady .. nice idea of \u200b\u200bthe farm, I like it, but I feel?!? is attachable by the state? "
... etc.. ... etc.
Experience unparalleled, and this is just a small part of the conversation ..