Friday, October 10, 2008

Reptile V Mammal Respiration Rate

Data e luogo di ritrovo Raduno Albatros

Greetings to all. Officials of the latest news about the gathering of participants in the mission Albatros, with date and lugo meeting, taken from the blog alpinialbatros. Next Meeting


As anticipated encore celebrations for the 15 years of our mission. Decided the location of the next meeting Albatros Imbersago Brianza, river Adda between Milan, Bergamo and Lecco.
The meeting for 11:30 / 12:00 Sunday 26 October, the exit of Agrate Brianza. We will move together to Imbersago. Anyway, here
address: Restaurant Trattoria dei Cacciatori - Via Castelbarco 31 Tel 039 9920598.
(i cell. di riferimento: Giorgio (Tau) 335 6229218 - Ivan (Julia) 333 5397315).
L'invito è rivolto a tutti, familiari o amici compresi.
Confermateci la partecipazione via email, sms o telefono, grazie.
Seguiranno nei prossimi giorni istruzioni più dettagliate sul percorso per raggiungere il ristorante sul blog:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can Red Wine Cause Black Stool

Raduno Albatros cambia destinazione

Giro questa informazione giunta dal sito relativa al raduno per il 15° della missione Albatros in Mozambico:

Il Raduno Albatros for the Brigade Julia

As promised earlier this year, the celebrations for the 15 years of our mission to continue Albatros Alpini Brigade Julia.
[the first memorial gathering was held in Pinerolo for Taurinense Alpini Brigade in late June]. We will

Sunday, October 26th in the Milan area (province).
(location and location will be announced soon)

For several reasons we were unable to arrange the meeting in Venzone (UD), but we want to go back in Friuli in the near future.

We are waiting for a month about. The invitation is not limited to the Alpini, NCOs, officers of the Brigade Julia but is naturally extended to the other Brigades.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cleaning Aquarium Ornaments

Raduno ex Albatros a Venzone 26 Ottobre 2008

A belated farewell to all.
I want to apologize to the frequency of post in this blog, nothing short of embarrassing, but the kids do not forgive and time available at this time I have very little.
From Milan, via Vittorio Veneto, finally arrives in Montebelluna una voce relativa al prossimo raduno degli ex partecipanti all'operazione Albatros in Mozambico.
Il luogo del ritrovo sarà Venzone (ottima scelta) e la data è prevista per il 26 Ottobre 2008.
Sarebbe bello potersi ritrovare dopo tanto tempo...

Pregherei chiunque venisse a contatto con questo blog di iscriversi e lasciare un recapito email, allo scopo di creare una mailing list da utilizzare in futuro (per cene, raduni, etc.).

Cerchiamo di spargere la voce, rispolverando vecchi recapiti e numeri telefonici.
Eravamo in tanti, ma ai raduni siamo sempre i soliti quattro...Gatti!

Wikipedia Von Velicity

Foto raduno Bassano 2008

have online photos of the rally in 2008 in Bassano del Grappa to: / download / bassano

Monday, May 12, 2008

Read Shota Free Online

A proposito di campo estivo...

Nel post precedente si può vedere il rifugio Corsi, ai piedi dello Jof Fuart, nei pressi del quale allestimmo la prima parte del campo estivo.
Da lì raggiungemmo la cima, in ferrata, tra lo sconforto dell'alpino De Ang**is che solo in quell'occasione rivelò di soffrire di vertigini (sigh). Ho ancora impressa negli occhi la sua immagine mentre a quattro zampe si ancora con le unghie e i denti alle rocce a terra, piangendo, rifiutando sia di proseguire che di indietreggiare, col Capitano Gatti che lo esorta a suon of "Segoni! Next, you're an alpine !"... On that occasion
proettili also found some unexploded artillery, which were marked for subsequent reclamation.
The night before the climb was not the best, since it has the classic time of the sixth, which was anxious to give us a better flushed whilst trying in vain to shelter under the canvas tent.
I also remember another funny episode, when the corporal Chittaro, while we were in a refuge for some revelry before the silence, felt that given the glasses at the bar drunk the hierarchical difference had diminished and that the atmosphere just above the collegiate usually allow an unusual confidence in our superior ... pensò bene di posare un braccio sulla schiena del capitano Gatti, che da buon capitano alpino aveva appena offerto un giro agli alpini presenti, e di tirargli con bonomia il pizzetto, chiamandolo "vecchiaccio"... non l'avesse mai fatto! In un attimo, con un solo sguardo di fuoco e poche parole sussurrate a denti stretti, il Cap. Gatti lo rimise al suo posto, ristabilendo all'istante gli equilibri cui ci aveva abituato nei mesi precedenti.

Yarn Market In Ichalkaanji


L'area di addestramento di Artegna, dove abbiamo fatto pratica di combattimento nei centri abitati. Sono perfettamente visibili tutte le strutture, e si scorgono addirittura degli automezzi parcheggiati.

Ohio State Wallpaper 2010

Codropio e Rivolto

L'area di addestramento di Rivolto. Dimostrazione dei nostri valorosi ed impavidi caporali istruttori, quindi primi sbalzi e lancio di bombe a mano simulate da pietre :-)

La caserma di Codroipo, in cui abbiamo trascorso il periodo del Car. Sono visibili la palazzina Comando, le due compagnie (59a e 60a), lo spaccio, la mensa, la carraia etc.

Land Values Per Acre, Boston

Campo estivo 2

Ecco invece le immagini di Sella Nevea e dello Jof di Montasio, posti di fronte al massiccio dello Jof Fuart e seconda tappa montana del campo estivo: nell'ordine:

Le piste da sci di Sella Nevea, Alpine lift loaded backpack and Fal between various insults from our ranks and under the astonished gaze of a few groups of hikers who held summer (shorts and tank tops) down happily ...

Overview of Sella Nevea.

Jof Montasio.

The refuge Jof Montasio, near which we put the "dog kennels" for the night.

La Sella Billa Pec, which wound through the narrow road during re-entry, the day after the overnight stay in the "dog kennels".

Congratulation Quotes For Promotions

Campo estivo 1

Continua il viaggio alla ricerca di immagini satellitari dei luoghi visitati durante l'anno di naja:
Ecco il rifugio Corsi, sullo Jof Fuart, in cui abbiamo trascorso una parte del campo estivo, vicino a Casere, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy). 46º 25' 3.87" N 13º 30' 7.29" And

Woke Up Feeling Dizzy And Off Balanced

Capitano Lucio Gatti

(Taken from "The Mountain")

has held numerous positions within the Alpine troops in Italy and abroad, among others at the UN headquarters in New York. It is the successor to the col. John Manion, who control two years has achieved brilliant results sia in Patria, con i servizi dei suoi alpini alle olimpiadi invernali, sia nelle missioni all’estero. Ricordiamo il progetto “Con il Terzo a Kabul”, concretizzatosi – grazie ai 90 mila euro dei contributi di istituzioni, enti e associazioni, fra le quali la nostra Associazione Nazionale Alpini – nella costruzione di una clinica in una delle aree più sensibili della capitale, dedicata alla memoria dei Caduti del 2° reggimento Alpini. Alla cerimonia era presente il gen. Federico Bonato, comandante della Taurinense e già comandante del 3°, che ha ricordato le parole dell’allora comandante del reggimento, negli anni 1939-41, al figlio sottotenente destinato proprio al reggimento “…vi You'll find your second family, our second family .... " the inauguration ceremony was also attended by the gen. D. Petti, commander of the Alpine Training Centre of Aosta and his wife Maria Victoria Faldella, godmother of the 3 rd. The col. Manione went to fill the post of Head of Civil and Military Strategic Planning Cell at the European Union Military Staff in Brussels. He and col. Gatti's best wishes.

South Park Streaming Eng Subtitles

Bassano 2008

I'm back after a year's absence due to the birth of their second child, moving house and various vicissitudes.
Saturday, at the meeting of Bassano, I met with Lori Cester (Oderzo), Daniele Castelli (Vittorio Veneto) and Massimiliano Castiglioni (Milan).
Needless to tell the emotion and feel the pleasure of an encounter with the comrades with whom you shared so much during the year naja.
In particular on this occasion we had the opportunity to review Massimiliano after 16 years ... and really enjoyed to see how the bond that is created in just 12 months of military service proves unbreakable after all these years. The magic that allows you to interact and share moments of celebration in the same neighborhood lived a very long time before, although there is often a long time ago, is very special.
It 'goes without saying that we would like to review all the other comrades ...
Anyone who would like to get in touch to arrange a reunion is definitely welcome!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bella's Prom Cardigan

Gli italiani e i libri

If you click on the title of this post you'll find a link to a program of radio1 in which we talk about the Italians and books.
listened to him in class Tuesday, will answer the comprehension questions that I have prepared and discuss the issue.
A Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Letter Of Confirmation Volunteer

Lezione del 22 Aprile

The new topic for this week is the LITERATURE.

We read in class the following definitions of literature taken from various dictionaries of Italian and we have evaluated, according to our tastes and needs:

1. works written in prose or verse that have value or artistic intent, all of those works written in a language or within a country, of an era, a culture, of a kind: Italian literature, English, French, ancient literature, classic, modern, and the literature of the fourteenth century, the nineteenth century, study, love literature; course, a professor of literature, literary fiction, poetry, chivalry, and the dramatic literature, all the texts of the theater history of literature, critical exposure of the progress of a people enriched the literature of news about the life of the individual authors, their works , their time.

2 of all the works relating to science, a subject, also, the bibliography on the author: legal literature, medicine, literature Dante, Petrarch.

De Mauro
first set of written works that are proposed or have aesthetic purposes, however, because of their design and their style, a high value in intellectual history, esp. with reference to a particular language or a historical period: l. Italian, English, Russian, l. romantic, contemporary, l. in prose, verse, l. theatrical, dramatic, l. children, avoidance, intellectual activity aimed at the creation of such works: taking care of l., to undertake l.

1b discipline or school subject that studies such works: to study l., Professor of Law Italian, now l.

2 text, user's history of literature: l. per la scuola media

3a insieme di opere critiche, bibliografia relativa a un dato autore, anche non letterario: l. dantesca, manzoniana, kantiana 3b il complesso delle opere relative a una data disciplina non letteraria: l. scientifica, medica, giuridica.

Sabatini Coletti
1 In passato, tutto ciò che è scritto a livello colto; oggi, ciò che è scritto a fini artistici, in prosa o in versi, e che è oggetto di sistemazione storica e analisi critica: l. greca; dedicarsi allo studio della l. l. rosa, costituita da romanzi e racconti di genere sentimentale l. di consumo, prodotti di scarso valore artistico ma che godono dei favori del grande pubblico storia della l., esposizione criticism is that the evolution of the literature of a people, with information on individual authors and their works.

2 sets of publications that relate to a science, an author, a particular topic SIN Bibliography: l. medical; on this topic is rich l.

Encyclopedia Knowing
Poetry and Prose. The art of writing, to put "black on white", stems from the need to set their own ideas and feelings, to transmit them to others. But writing also has a social purpose: to make collective moods, disseminate knowledge.

And now

A NOTE ON Gerund:

In dependence on verbs to indicate continuity of the action (continue, remain, remain ....) you can not use the gerund in Italian, but preceded by an infinite preposition A.

Sample translation from English: Yo me quedo

estudiar = I'm staying to study

Furthermore, with regard to the phrase that we talked about in class, I can confirm that the gerund in Italian can not be used with a past time, except for the imperfect, so it becomes necessary to choose a personal construction or to paraphrase the infinite.

"He estado todo el día escuchar musica" =

I listened to music all day / all day I was listening to music

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Most Common Black Hair And Blue Eyes

Lezione del 17 Aprile

Here is a brief summary of the topics covered and activities carried out today in class.

First of all we practiced again on prepositions, especially going over the uses of DA seen in the last lesson.
The exercises are done online at
and the number 77, 78, 79 and 80 on the simple and articulated prepositions.

Since the topic today was la bellezza, abbiamo preso spunto per una breve discussione dal video di Beppe Grillo che potete trovare su questo link:

In seguito abbiamo svolto (in parte) l'attività on line relativa all' unità 6 del nostro libro di testo rete3! Il link è il seguente:

E infine, date alcune parole, abbiamo ricostruito la strofa iniziale della canzone di Roberto Vecchioni " la bellezza" che potete trovare sul seguente link di youtube:

Buon fine settimana and Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

High Hard Closed Cervix Before Menstruation

Lezione del 15 Aprile

Today we finished the indefinite (pronouns and adjectives) and we saw the various uses of the word "FROM".
Here is a link where you will find the material that we used in class for the study of the preposition FROM:
Instead these are the definitions and translations of some of that indefinite We saw

OTHER / H / I / E (variable in gender and number)
OTRO / A / OS / AS
anything todo lo = = sin duda certainly contrary

More than anything else = más que nada
how! = Ya I create

None (variable but generally not in number) AS PRONOUNS
= Nadie
as an adjective = NINGUNA

EACH = (variable and usually not in numbers )
as an adjective = CADA

algunos / AS
It generally uses the plural, ANY / A only in negative sentences

precede or follow the name-if the above: If the singular
the following: the singular or plural, depends on the noun
Es: Whatever I say does not answer!

ALL (only adjective before the name always unique and invariable in gender and number) or TODOS CADA

eg every 3 hours I take a cup of coffee every day I can

SOME (invariable in gender and number)
for plural = SOME / E ( pron. and adj.)

everybody is (ALL of the adjective pronoun, but not change the gender issue)

(adjective SOME of the corresponding pronoun varies but usually not many) or
ALGUIEN Alguna (singular) Plural is
= SOME / E

SOMETHING (only singular and neutral)
eg Tell me something = Cuentame algo
often followed by the participle to state (+ DI)
Es.ti tell you something more to say = algo más
Is there anything new? = Hay algo nuevo?

(invariable pronoun in gender and singular in number, corresponding adjective ANY / ALL, only to the people, introduced on the subjunctive) QUALQUIERA
Es.Chiunque is = is is
For the lesson on Thursday, I have prepared some videos which get ideas for a debate on beauty, read a text book action focused on aesthetics and we will do a search on the Internet probably is from online network, always on the same topic. And, if all goes well, we will work on a song .... You do not want you reveal everything, right?
A day after tomorrow!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Brian Saunders Place In Greece

Lezione del 10 Aprile

For those absent and those present to make a riassuntino of the topics covered in class.
  • Review and analysis of Conditionals I, II and III grade and exercises # 1 and 2 (for home), 3 and 4 (made in class) photocopies of the book Network 3!, Chapter 6.
  • exercises done in class on the hypothetical sentence from the book Espresso 2 and 3.
  • The hypothetical period in the transition from direct to indirect speech, when the main clause is a declarative verb in the past.


Laura said / she said: 1. " If you smoke you get sick"

2. "If you smoked you sick,"

3. " If I smoked I'd be sick "

The indirect discourse for the three cases becomes:

Laura said / she said that if I smoked I would ill.

This happens unless the introductory verb is not related to the present or future.


Laura says: "If I had time travel"

Laura said that if he would travel time (the word refers to the present)

Laura said that if he had time he would travel (the verb refers to the past)

  • Passing from indirect to direct discourse with the principal to the past, but by the action of direct speech is not yet complete, or when the effects of the action are still present.

The case Silvia told me "I'll definitely at your party Saturday night."

Silvia told me that he will definitely to my party on Saturday evening. (Not yet Saturday)

The case Mara said (recently): "I'm fine"

Mara said it is fine (still not well when talking about his words)

  • quick review of the indefinite (adjectives and pronouns) to be completed in the next lesson.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Advantages Of Wearing An Aircast

Appunti vari e approfondimenti riguardanti la lezione dell' 8 Aprile

ONE OF THE MANY USES OF THE WORD KEEP = set, do: give a lecture, a lesson.


REMEMBER = 1. have this memory: remembering a melody, remember that he made a promise not to remember anything;
2 to remind others: to remind someone a promise, a commitment, I remind you to be punctual;

REMEMBER = v. intr. pron. have this in memory, recall to your memory: remember the past, the happy days, I remember perfectly well that we had to see us yesterday, I'll remember for a long time!, for the most unfortunate thing

SOME EXAMPLES OF FALSE FRIENDS ITALIAN-SPANISH or entries that, while the same or very similar terms in Italian, but have a different meaning.

expression in English: aceite
resembles Italian: vinegar
actually means in Italian: oil
the meaning of vinegar in Italian is: vinagre

expression English: Acorda
resembles Italian: grant
but really means
remember the meaning of grant in Italian is Afina or reconcile
while agree means ponerse de Acuerdo

expression in English: acostarse
resembles Italian: approach
but really means bedtime
the meaning of approach in Italian is acercarse

expression in English: afamado
resembles Italian:
hungry but really means famous
the meaning of hungry in Italian is hambriento

expression in English: alarge
resembles Italian: enlarge
but really means
stretch the meaning of enlarge in Italian is Ensanche

expression in English: love
resembles Italian:
but love really means
master the meaning of love in Italian is anzuelo

expression in English: cheated
resembles Italian: barter
but really means cheap, cheap
the meaning of barter in Italian is Trueque

expression in English: mark
resembles Italian: mark
but really means bun
the meaning of mark in Italian is sello

expression English: caña
similar to Italian: bitch
but really means barrel
the meaning of bitch in Italian is perra

Monday, April 7, 2008

Good Baby Boutique Names

La telefonata

For those not come to class, and those who came and would like to see him again and complement the work done in class, I leave the link to the site from which I drew the material on which we worked during the last lesson. Here is a link to the advertising of SIP (now Telecom): .
Quest 'other is the link to the phone call Verdone, his piece is a fantastic comic:
Su questa telefonata, l'attività da svolgere(che abbiamo svolto in parte in classe) consiste in immaginare cosa dice la persona all'altro capo del telefono e riferirlo, trasformando le frasi dal discorso diretto all'indiretto. Buon lavoro!

Tamil Marriage Invitationin Tamil

A proposito di sentire e ascoltare


1 apprendere, attraverso i sensi, alcuni dati dell'esperienza immediata del mondo esterno ; avvertire impressioni suscitate da stimoli interni o esterni e prenderne coscienza : sentire caldo, sete, sonno; sentire un odore, un sapore; sentire un dolore, il solletico; senti se ti piace questo vino; senti com'è ruvida questa stoffa; sentire shivers down my spine, feel the eyes upon the people, the horse feels the whip, the dog feels the hare, it senses the presence feel smell taste, smell, feel, recognize, judge something by tasting, smelling moments to feel the pulse of someone, hold him to check the pulse feel the time, affected by the cold weather is felt, is very strong

2 hear, listen, pay attention: hear a noise, heard something , I heard someone crying, I heard you call, the court decides after hearing the parties; hear the music, a conference, a point he felt people hear someone who speaks, who is coming and so on., hear me a bit ', listen and listen, listen to me, to feel that this ... If you believe what he says ... feel good, not feel good hearing, be deaf, (fig.) to pretend not to understand: we do not hear from that ear! now I hear!, threatening to severely criticize someone does not feel right, does not want to be reasonable, does not want to change your mind as you try to convince him to be heard, to state his case heard by decision making, help you feel the doctor, consult prov. : There are none so deaf as those who do not want to hear

3 inquire, to learn , hear, feel, submit: hear what they want, what do you think, I heard the bad news, you hear these words in his nobility of spirit; I feel that everything will be fine, I felt that this would happen to hear of all colors, listen to every kind of talk , Spec. if weird, brainy, unreasonable and sim.; also take notice of the facts most baffling, bizarre, unusual

4 intimate feelings and emotional reactions ; be aware of your inner state of a particular emotional situation, sentimental: feel sympathy, fear, friendship, compassion for someone, feel remorse, did not feel anything for her, I feel I love it, feels very much your absence, I feel the obligation to them to be able to see, understand something: listen to music, nature, beauty

feel v. refl. 1 feel a physical sensation : feeling tired, feeling good, evil, feel faint
2 be in a certain mood : feeling happy, moved, shocked, to feel anger boil to hear, the strength, courage to do something: I did not give him this news sentodi feel indebted to someone, recognize feel obliged to him in the right, the wrong, be aware or convinced you are right, be wrong to see

refl. rec. (Family) call: let us feel tomorrow!

Synonyms / Antonyms 1 (sounds, smells, etc..) Sin. feel, perceive
2 (entries, speeches) Sin. hear, listen
3 (a news and sim.) Sin. learn, hear, know, become aware
4 (in a psychological sense) Sin. feel, perceive, grasp
5 Sin. foresee, predict, fear
6 (pity, hate, etc.). Sin. try
7 (cold, hot) Sin. suffer, suffer
8 (a doctor, an expert and sim.) Sin. consult, consult, contact
9 (music, art, etc..) Sin. comprehend, understand, understand

v.rifl. 1 (good, bad etc.). Sin.
be 2 (in the wrong, in the right etc.). Sin. believe, be considered.


hear a carefully ; to listen (even solo.) hear a speech, a song hear the speaker, shut up and listen! listen to a conference, lecture, Mass, assist

2 to listen, follow: listen to the advice of someone, hear the voice of conscience fulfill: to listen to a prayer, a supplication

Synonyms / Antonyms 1
Sin . (Secretly) to eavesdrop, pop-holes (not included).
2 (a conference, entry etc..) Sin. follow, participate
3 (a tip, a suggestion) Sin. give ascolto, obbedire

(tratto dal Garzanti on line)


"El verbo italiano ‘ ricordarsi’ se divide en español en dos correspondencias: una con el verbo acordarse + de (No me acuerdo de cómo se va hasta allí; me acordé del paraguas que le había prestado) y otra con recordar , transitivo, que tiene restricciones desde el punto de vista estilístico ( Recordé el paraguas que le había prestado; ¿Recuerdas lo que pasó allí?; Te recuerdo que mañana que Madruga takes.) "

I thought it interesting, if you take a look here it is:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Without Clothes Showing Boobs

Concorso per vincere un corso di italiano gratis a Roma

I leave a link to the page Scudit, School of Italian Rome where, as every year, organize a contest to win a free Italian language course during the summer in Rome!
Maybe it can interest you! Here it is:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ati Club R96 128m Driver

Un link ai video dedicati alla salute

Here is the link to the video of an evening dedicated to medicine and patients' rights, wellbeing and fitness but also depth on environmental issues, the curiosity of the land and everything that helps us feel better., ,1067121-1078-66608-1-6-media, 00.html

I have prepared some questions about one of the videos that I took from this site, which speaks of sciatica:

1. What is the common name of acute low back pain?

2. What compares the lumbar sacral?

3. What can reduce back pain in the lumbar region due to obesity?

4. What is the most important and largest nerve in the body?

5. What is the symptom of the conflict fra nervo sciatico e altre strutture?

6.Oltre ai problemi muscolo-scheletrici, a cosa possono anche essere dovute la lombalgia e la sciatalgia?

Questo è il link al video:,,RaiUno-1mattina%5E%5E44091,0.html

Small Itchy Bump Tailbone

Chiedere e domandare

A proposito della discussione, sorta durante la scorsa lezione, sull'uso di "chiedere" e "domandare" vi allego le relative definizioni principali tratte dal Garzanti on line:

v. tr . 1 domandare per ottenere: chiedere del cibo, un libro in prestito; chiedere la mano di una donna (Assol.) beg: ashamed to ask 2 questions to find out: ask for information, news, time 3 request, require : a job application that asks a lot claim 4, will return for a merchandise that is sold or a service that offers: ask for a reasonable price v. intr. [aus. have] to ask news, information about someone or something : always ask me about you.

Sin. ask, ask, ask, claim 2 Sin. beg, beg for three Sin. inquire, to search for specific. question 4 Sin. require, request
5 Sin. claim, will v.intr. (Someone's) Sin. search, ask

v. tr. a turn to someone to know something : ask the price, name, address, time, asked: "What day is today?", Ask him his name, what he wants, if you have done your homework ask I say!, (family) to express astonishment and indignation not to ask!, it is certain, it is easy to assume something to ask, be uncertain, doubtful about something: I wonder if you can ask for from 2: ask pardon, forgiveness, ask for a favor, a council, the word, ask permission to do something, ask to borrow money
v. intr . [Aus. have] seek news, information of a person or about something: always asks me about you, and I asked my new job find a person, love her speak on the phone there is a man who asks her

In English:

SEEK TO KNOW = Pregunta


We can therefore conclude that the verb 'ask' y 'ask' sono, in italiano, più o meno intercambabili nell’uso, mentre in spagnolo sono due verbi distinti, non intercambiabili: pedir y preguntar

Monday, March 31, 2008

What Has Happened To Nick Berry

L'uso di "anche" a confronto con "también"


USI di anche :

1. Come rinforzo del nesso copulativo


2. Per ripetere, rinforzandola, un' affermazione anteriore


Fin qui corrisponde allo spagnolo también , but there is a big difference in its location in the sequence of the sentence.

The Spaniard has a range rental TAMBIEN:

También he comprado a book
He comprado también a book
He comprado a book, también

Italian also does not correspond to As regards the position, with this particle English:

As a general rule, too, falls precedes the grammar AMENDING : Ex

will buy a notebook

can not ever precede a verb form in a personal way:

also eat an apple (NO) also
'll eat an apple (SI)

When the verb is compound, although it can be placed between the auxiliary and the participle ( never before to the aid), or after the block record. But one or other position determining a shade different in content:

I also bought a book (in addition to doing other things I also bought a notebook)
also I bought a book (other than buying other things I also bought a notebook)

With servile behavior is similar to that given with compound verbs:

You can also buy a notebook (edit buy)
can also buy a notebook (edit the item purchased)
can also buy a notebook (NO )

Of course these cases should not be confused with those that also changes another element than the grammatical verb, in which case nothing prevents him to situate the beginning of the sentence: eg

Even you went to the movies yesterday ?

Two different meanings:

eat an apple
Marina Marina also will eat an apple

Finally ALSO may precede Non-personal forms of the verb
an infinitive, a gerund or a participle: eg

Even smoking is bad for your health. Luigi
tired also reading.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Frozen Yogurt Store Floor Plan

Italo Svevo, La coscienza di Zeno

I am attaching the link to the site from which I drew information on Italo Svevo and his novel "The Confessions of Zeno", which hear and read a small part in the classroom.
Read the review and take at least a brief summary of the plot of the book, with information that can be learned from this site.
We'll talk about in class on Tuesday, before hearing the excerpt from Chapter 3 "smoke", which I leave you a little taste:

"Penso che la sigaretta abbia un gusto piú intenso quand'è l'ultima. Anche le altre hanno un loro gusto speciale, ma meno intenso. L'ultima acquista il suo sapore dal sentimento della vittoria su sé stesso e la speranza di un prossimo futuro di forza e di salute. Le altre hanno la loro importanza perché accendendole si protesta la propria libertà e il futuro di forza e di salute permane, ma va un po' piú lontano ."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sample Speech Company Anniversary Event

Prova parziale di italiano avanzato del 25/03/2008

Ecco qui la prova di italiano che abbiamo fatto in classe, con le soluzioni della parte grammaticale evidenziate in rosso.

Esame parziale di Italiano Advanced


complete the pronouns:

1. Can I borrow your sunglasses?
Yes, but you give them to me tomorrow!

2.Chi gave you my e-mail? He's got
gave your colleague.

Complete the sentences with CI / NE / LO / LA / LE / LI grants and the past participle, if necessary.

3.What would you like ice cream? As we have already ordinatio the two chocolate and cream.

4.I gave my grandmother a box of chocolates and two days them has mangiat the all.

5. Where's my lighter? it I do not know anything.

Complete the sentences with the relative pronoun.

6. Who has not paid tuition fees can not do the exams.

7. Yesterday I saw the French writer, the book has become which famous.

Complete with verbs use the past tense or past tense, the imperfect, the past perfect, future tense or the front.

8.Domani morning, right after that (we) have done ( do) breakfast, you (help) to help pulire la casa.

9.Ieri mattina ero appena andata (andare)a fare la doccia, quando il postino bussò/ha bussato (bussare)alla porta.

10.Ogni estate, quando la scuola finiva (finire), andavo (andare) a lavorare nel negozio di mio padre.

Completa le frasi con il verbo all’imperativo.

11. Prego, Sig. Mattei, provi/assaggi questo prosciutto, è squisito!

12. Ricordatevi che dovete telefonare a vostra nonna. Se ve ne dimenticate, si offende.

13.Questa città è diventata pericolosa. Non aprire la door to anyone you do not know!

Complete the sentences with the past tense of the verb in brackets.

14. This time Paul was very unlucky. (Be)

15. The boys had once occasion to meet her. (Have)

16. I knew my husband in school. (Know)

Complete the sentences with a verb and married in time and properly.

17.Temo that the dog has eaten the dough they had prepared.

18.Non are confident that Mario tomorrow morning close examination.

Complete the sentences with one of the following dates expressions:
However, before that, if provided, that, without that.

19. Although in Italy a few months ago, John understands and speaks our language.

20. Despite my dislike is my cousin Michael, I invited to my wedding.

correct errors where necessary: \u200b\u200b

21. Michael would like to see her boyfriend go (go) less at the bar with friends and has a (pass) more time with her.

22. I want you to tell me honestly, where were you last night.

23. My cat came (state) invested by a car.

24. They ate (eaten) too many dishes at the wedding of Silvano.

25. He ate too much at the wedding of Silvano.

26.Con Friends see you (see you / see you) often for a drink before dinner

Complete the sentences with a person using the verbs in brackets:

27. In what has been bought librería (buy) this book?

28. What a pity, Mary was promoted (promote).

Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. Where possible, use both forms (which / that, the / which, i / the which, or who he / she / who):

29.Ci Italians are many products that which are known throughout the world.

30. Sonia said, "marry the one who / who will make me fall in love at first sight."

test production of written texts

Choose one of the following tests carried out (approximately 200 words):

First Track

Your car was damaged in a car accident. Write to the insurance company to request reimbursement of the damage: Describe in detail the incident, list the damage to your machine and ask damages.

Second track

standing as a candidate for the forthcoming elections, and, approaching the campaign wants to win votes. Write a policy agenda will continue to advance knowledge that will be disclosed on the Internet. Will face arguments that it considers appealing to voters.

Directions for the proper conduct of the written text:

1. Content: The text should include all the steps in the track
2. Coherence / cohesion: the text must be coherent and understandable to the first reading, it must contain an opening, a body and a closure and to develop the outline of the text. The strutture devono essere ben collegate e il testo deve risultare scorrevole alla lettura.
3. Registro: adeguato alla tipologia del testo e alla situazione
4. Vocabolario: adeguato al compito da svolgere e il più possibile variato e ricco.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

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Appunti sullo stile giornalistico

Vi lascio in questo post degli appunti, tratti da un articolo della facoltà di scienze della comunicazione di Roma, che possono esservi d'aiuto quando vi verrà richiesto di sviluppare un testo in stile giornalistico.

Il registro standard

È tipico dello stile giornalistico ed è caratterizzato da parole neutre, né familiari e scherzose, né letterarie. I periodi sono semplici, accurati e non contengono errors. It can be used in all situations without mistakes, from the most formal and informal ones.

Some rules to follow to write an article

a) Simple exposure. As Albert Einstein said "things have to be made as simple as possible. ... But not simpler." So too careful not to trivialize the text and prompt the reader to misunderstanding
b) Ability to summarize. Space is precious and the attention of the reader is limited. Once you've written that sentence is important to do an audit, review and ask if they can accorcialra removing frills language, adverbs, adjectives unnecessary, useless descriptions.
c) Objectivity; The separate opinions from facts, is a golden rule of the Anglo-Saxon journalism.
d) Use of direct testimony. Describe an event in an objective and detached the word also means the players, by opening and closing quotes.
e) Scan the article. To facilitate reading the article must be scanned spatially well. The text should be well broken not just by the punctuation, but also often go to the head.

elements of the news exposure

-Lead or lead or opening where you anticipate a summary or a detail of the fact
-Focus che racchiude il significato della notizia, è il contenuto su cui impostare l’intrattenimento
-Struttura il cui si succedono le informazioni che può essere cronologica o logica; e in questo secondo caso procedere per azione e reazione o per causa ed effetto
-Titolo che può essere costruito su due modelli: enunciativo (freddo) che espone il fatto e paradigmatico (caldo) che commenta il fatto. Il titolo vero e proprio di una o più righe indica in modo sintetico l’argomento dell’articolo. L’occhiello o sopratitolo introduce la notizia, riassumendo quanto si è detto nell’articolo. Il sommario fornisce su più righe ulteriori indicazioni riguardo all’avvenimento

La writing an article s'apprende only with exercise. To facilitate your work, we can show you the six basic steps to build a newspaper article that draws the reader to the quality of information provided to the expressive form adopted and used for the communication strategy.

1. Making the choice of the information collected.
a) identify the essential elements, those accessories and the unnecessary.
b) Identify additional elements among those that may apply to you (a funny detail, a hot item, an explanation, etc.).

2. Measure the time of preparation and control emotions or enthusiasm.
a) determine the length of text.
b) know that the text calls short to read more. In addition to 4,500 characters (3 sheets of 25 lines with 60 characters per line), the text becomes unattractive to the reader.
3. Establish a narrative structure.
a) from general to specific ol'inverso.
b) give all the information immediately, or later developed progressively revealed
c) respect the chronology of the facts and arguments, or do a personal fitting.

4. Use the particularities of journalistic style.
a) short sentences
b) words precise and understandable / accessible (to adopt the terms used and relevant to the subject to be treated.
c) formulation of frase scattante, privilegiare la paratassi, come per scrivere annunci pubblicitari.
d) essere molto concreti.
e) fare uso di immagini
f) usare uno stile molto diretto.

5. Sviluppare il tema trattato crendo un percorso disseminato di concetti e parole chiave che costruiscono la trama del testo.
a) un « attacco » che introduce l’argomento o lo riassume e che attira il lettore (cfr. le varie tipologie di introduzione già esaminate).
b) costruire il corpo del testo con paragrafi che scandiscono l’argomento e forniscono dettagli, spiegazioni, paragoni (similitudini e differenze), cause ed effetti, che vengono strutturati in modo strategico da riattivare ogni volta l’attenzione interest of the reader.
c) parafrafo a final summing up or "close the circle 'or broadening the topic.
d) a proper conclusion (see the conclusion of various types have already been considered).

6. Being able to draw attention to your article: title, eyelet, summary
a) give the title two specific functions: to inform and attract the reader.
b) two valuable contributions: the hoop or surtitles and the TOC.
c) a requirement: to say something that is essential and relevant to the article.
d) a quality: brevity and precision.

The Ten Commandments of the second journalist Piero Ottone

1. Always write the truth, the whole truth, only truth.
2. Cite sources. If your source wants to remain anonoma, formal notice.
3. Check what you're told. If you can not see, take the distance.
4. Do not defame our neighbor, and avoid phrases like 'it appears that this man has stolen ... "" This is said to have killed another .... "
5. Do not force the reader to read a column of stuff before you start to understand what has happened.
6. Do not make long quotations in quotation marks the beginning of a "piece" without revealing that it is now their author.
7. Do not put in quotation marks, titles, phrases other than those which were handed down.
8. Avoid hyperbole and metaphors of Peter, as a "storm" (the party is in the storm), "yellow" (yellow Ustica), "quarrel" (and is now a fight between x and y), 'the blue' "burst like a bomb."
9. Before writing the title "London is in a panic," is' to London and see whether it really eight million people have gone out of his head.
10. Never say 'objectivity does not exist. " It is the alibi of those who want to talk about balls.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

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Lezione di martedì 11/03/2008

today to get started, we read a short article in the Corriere della Sera to the outcome of elezioni in Spagna. Inoltre abbiamo discusso un po' dell'attuale situazione politica, delle aspettative per il futuro, delle preferenze politiche personali, le motivazioni delle stesse, etc.
Il link all'articolo è il seguente:

Per quanto riguarda la parte grammaticale, abbiamo finalmente visto l'uso del congiuntivo introdotto da un condizionale, le concordanze dei tempi al congiuntivo, gli usi del congiuntivo dopo gli indefiniti e dopo alcune congiunzioni ed espressioni particolari.

Abbiamo inoltre ascoltato un dialogo tratto dall'espresso 3 Chapter 9, and read a song titled "Moon Avogadro", always drawn from the same chapter, from which we obtained useful vocabulary to describe the physical appearance and character of the people.

See you Thursday ... hoping to raise a bit 'in numbers ;-)

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Esame parziale

part of the advanced level examination will be held on March 25 at 14:30.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

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Lezione prevista per Giovedí 6 Marzo

Complete the following sentences, conjugating the verb in brackets in the manner and time appropriate:

1.Mi would like my students (to come) ................ ..... more often in class.

2.Vorrei that they (study ).................................. a bit 'more. We will then


's use of ............................. introduced by a ..............................

Can you make the rules governing this usage?

people Meditate, meditate ......

We'll talk in class of this rule and in the subjunctive tense agreement, uses of the subjunctive after certain conjunctions and after the indefinite and particular expressions.

Also I prepared a wonderful role-play and fun quiz about "disorderly order or maniacs?"

A Thursday!

Accuracy Of Home Ovulation Tests

Risiedere e lavorare in italia

What should a foreign national from a country outside the EU to enter, reside and work in Italy?
You can visit these sites and find out: