Monday, February 21, 2011

Wedding Favours Lottery Ticket Verse

"Alea IACT east" AKA "Put the gear" Sooner or later

Today we went to the fateful meeting with the priest of the parish where we have decided to baptize the nano-evil (PS I found that it is better to have 6 children with fever to 38 with 37 ... that one cracks moooooolto more because it is lying dead and feels all the pains! not sleep so little even when Bagigetto had a week) and, combining business with pleasure, to get married .
The date is set at Saturday, May 14, 2011 ... 0 preparations.
We plan to invite relatives and close friends, or just about 60 people (we have about 40 close relatives, uncles, cousins, grandparents) and organize a great party based on:
  1. red wine salami
  2. young dairy
Seriously spignatterò ingaggerò family a little bit and capable culinary variables, even small (stendilasfoglia-infilaciqualcosa-mettinelforno-toglidalforno). Santoli
Witnesses and have already been chosen ... unbeknownst to them, for now.
The parcel lies in the fact that there beaks tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutto the premarital course and formazionediunafamigliasanaeserenastilemulinobiancomaconmerendefatteincasa which begins in two weeks and ends two weeks before the date.
The weekly planning de la MammaSuperabile is therefore composed of:
  • Monday: 18:30 to 8 p.m.
  • yoga Tuesday: premarital course 20:30:22:30
  • Wednesday: rest Thursday
  • : yoga
  • Friday 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: dinner with family and friends in rotation (damn HUGE family and social life to maintain)
  • Saturday: dinner with family and friends in rotation (damn HUGE family and social life to maintain)
  • Sunday: Weekly dinner and NonnaMimi ZiaMa
The good prelate, however, anticipated that in mid-March we should be to "see how goes ... "
Husband (ZZO), as usual, makes us take pictures of mud ... I leave to him the reins of the conversation and fill in the form proffered by the pastor, and arrived at the time of writing because we want baptized 'to being "looked at me and asks
" Why do we baptize? "
I think (the brain busy grinding at full speed to find an answer so I am not sure of the facts) that it has reached a light periwinkle hue and he stuttered
"We are Catholics! Baptism is a sacrament essential and we want our son is part of the Christian community ... "
-Sguardo compiaciuto del prete-
Pop-up nel cervello di MammaSuperAbile "ma vieniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... le sò tutteeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Buona notizia arrivata dal lavoro... una collega aspetta un bimbo!
Questo vuol dire che a maggio, quando torno, saranno ulteriormente sotto di una unità e con le assunzioni bloccate riceverò standing ovation per il mio rientro...  standing ovation con la ola quando sapranno che non ho intenzione di prolungare l'astensione da turni notturni e reperibilità sino al compimento del terzo anno di vita del Bagigio e che quindi da metà luglio sarò in pieno regime.
Questo vorrà dire: più soldi for all but also more work for everyone because it thins the number of participants of the game board night-availability of public holidays ... I still remember the terrible summer of 2008 where, overwhelmed by work, traveling about 15 hours of overtime per week without making a weekend of rest for 9 weeks!


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