Sunday, February 13, 2011

Phrases About Weddings

Safety Net "By building pop-up books" by C. Tassi F. Lucchini

things sometimes come a little like this ... by-case basis. Today
Bagigi expecting the awakening of the afternoon nap to go for a ride to the mall with a friend, finding a home NonnaMimi (the golden mother-in-law), I walked around the immense study / library ZiaMa (sister-precious) and chose a book to pass the time.
Immense is not an exaggeration, at a guess I would say that the house where the husband (ZZO) traveling on the 1000-1500 volumes.
This is due to manic collezzione want to experience anything of my family, the savings of years and dozens of birthdays / christmas invested in books, but most of all, let us say frankly, the lack of socializing members of the family.
In particular, the offer is full of ZiaMa ... It ranges from the classics (Austen, Dostoevsky, ...), to the contemporary (Chevalier, Zafon, ...) to science fiction-fantasy (Brooks, Asimov, ...), the comic-manga (the Rans witch, Ratman, ...) children's books (Lionni, Erlbruch and Holzwarth, ...).
All this because she combines in one person the dream of every new mother bookworm ... a degree in scienze della formazione primaria e una decennale esperienza di bibliotecaria!!!
Scorrendo i dorsi dei volumi trovo "Costruisco i libri pop-up" di C. Tassi  e F. Lucchini e, ancora sull'onda dell'entusiasmo dato: a) dagli ormoni e b) dal non ancora ritorno al lavoro full-time, mi ritrovo a progettare un libro degno della miglior MammaSuperAbile.

Il libro ti dà un'entusiasmo e mostra quanto sia semplice (anche se sospetto sarà un lavoro piuttosto impegnativo) realizzare un libricino per il proprio bimbo o un simpatico dono per un adulto (modulando ovviamente temi ed illustrazioni).
How to teach the valuable manual can also be used by children, not just older (a few years ago ZiaMa did the children do in kindergarten last year of their personal story of Snow White taking a cue from this volume) - first it takes a ' idea to implement.
You can reinvent a fairy tale or a story known or can be invented out of whole cloth a tale perhaps with his own doll,
Given the difficulty in communicating with an almost child-settemesenne have rejected the latter hypothesis. Given the lack of imagination
MammaSuperabile and his innate desire to sing filatrocche was chosen the theme:
"There are two crocodiles"
The project then will be to enter an animal or a pair of animals on each page, always using different animations.
As suggested in the book and given the age of the user, choose an older format ... This page will be a nice 50x35 then two pages for each card purchased.
And here takes the punitive expedition at the mall ... 4 cards purchased 70x50 white cardstock 1 70x50 amaranth for the cover and a piece of felt ocher (because inspired me).
I wanted to throw myself at work, but since we went to dinner time and saw that things should be done with reasoning, we have only drawn a very detailed project.
The rhyme will be divided as follows:
" There are two crocodiles

cover and an orangutan tango,

p. 2-3
two small snakes

p. 4-5
and golden eagle,

p. 6-7
the cat , p. 8-9

the rat,
pp 10-11
the elephant:
p. 12-13
not miss any more

p. 14-15 just do not see the two leocorni. "

p. 16-17
Each page will then composed of two independent sides glued together.

This would not only give shape and stability to the whole, will have a background animations that are "open".
The expected long and laborious gestation, childbirth painful and frustrating, but when you put in the yard as a child, we are full of optimism and unconsciousness.
Project of the week is:
1) allows choosing the palette backgrounds of individual pages (and recycling cartonci buy other colored folders in the home);
2) doing research on the net (as is done an orangutan? not want my child to grow by calling Orangutans a monkey! there is evidence on the existence and appearance of 'These two' disgrace unicorns? we'll find out)
3) unravel the materials to be used for work (paper and cardboard off course but also fabric, felt, magazines, buttons, foil, ribbons, glue, hot glue .. . Muciaccia of the demon has taken possession of me!)
I will keep you up to date, explaining the step-by-step procedure for every single soul ...


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