How To Get Rid Of Waxed Eyebrow Breakouts
almond waffles with strawberry cream, chocolate and mint gnocchi alla Sorrentina
Ingredients for 4 waffles: - 100 g
- sugar 2 egg whites 1 egg yolk
- 60 grams of toasted almonds
- 60 grams of flour 00
Ingredients for cream: - 100g caster sugar 1 red
- egg
- 250 g mascarpone 50 g strawberries
- 20 grams of chocolate chips
- mint leaves to taste
almonds to taste Preparation:
For the wafers. Combine clear, the yolk and sugar and work with the electric mixer,
two then add the flour and continue stirring.
Take a pan and ask yourself the buttered parchment paper (so it is easy to move them once they are cooked) on it created the disks with the mixture.
Bake at 210 degrees for 3 to 4 minutes, will not burn but become light brown. Once ready to immediately put them on the glasses upside down (or more, depending on the size of the disks) and buttered so that the wafers take the form of a cup.
For the cream. Put the sugar with a little 'water on the fire to boil, add to the egg and beat with electric mixer. This first procedimanto will serve 'to pasteurize the egg that will not be' cooked. Take strawberries, wash and shake it with a spoonful of sugar, then setacciatelo get the gist. Add the mascarpone and continue stirring. Divide into 2 parts, add to the chocolate chips, other il succo di fragole.
Prendete le cialde, disponetele sul piatto da portata e riempitele prima con il mascarpone con la cioccolata, mettete dei pezzi di fragole e foglie di menta che avrete gia' lavato. Aggiungete la crema di mascarpone con le fragole e finite di decorare il dolce con fragole, mandorle foglie di menta. Servite subito o conservate in frigo.
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